Monday 17 January 2011


Many people are getting the condition of edema at the moment. Feet and legs are to do with direction and metaphysically it can be to do with letting go of something or someone so that you can move on.

We have found that Tea Tree in almond massage oil works a treat to take down the swelling. Massage it in after bathing when the pores of the skin are open. Then cover the feet with warm socks to help keep the fragrance in before rest.

The solar eclipse in January was to do with birth and healing the process of the birth and giving birth. So the condition can be related to giving birth to your own children, your own birth process and also the one that birthed your mother. Hence, you may have inherited the condition from grandparents or parents to ensure that you learn to heal the birth process. Remember the deeds of the parents impact on the next 3-4 generations.

For instance a grandmother that gave birth on a bed of ice and had two heart attacks while giving birth was experienced by the child she was birthing. The child, Lily was born in an extroadinary tramatic circumstances and her mother did have edema. She was also born during a war torn era.

This is the time to heal the 'birthing' process through the generations that are impacting on you.

It is also  a time of letting go of children that have become adults so that they can manifest. If you continually support them and give them a safety net, they do not develop and find their own security within. There comes a when they have to rise and fall based upon their own decisions unrelated to you.

"Life experience is the sacred text of knowledge" from Sacred Words

Healing beyond measure


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