Tuesday 30 December 2008

A Message for America....Part 1

"Do not pollute the land where you are. Bloodshed pollutes the land, and atonement cannot be made on the land on which blood has been shed, except by the blood of the one who shed it. Do not defile the land where you live and where I dwell" Numbers 29-34

When people pollute the land with bloodshed everything that lives and has life becomes polluted. From experience of making atonement for blood shed in a past life, I am fully aware that one does not have to shed our own blood to make atonement for past actions. Our life is the atonement, we lay it down in service to God, I will share more about this on a different post.

Our father said 'Thy shall not murder" and on the 1st of December 2008 he said ‘cultural genocide; those that come from the bowels of humanity will perpetuate this.’ The planet is going through a new phase of cultural genocide due to reaping what we sow. It is all part of the first principle of the cosmos of cause and effect. In Exodus we are also told that the deeds of the parents impact on the next 3-4 generations and this can manifest as genetic disease. The way to break the never ending cycles is through healing and Jesus was an amazing healer that helped people to break these cycles. A true Christian follows their role model and becomes a healer and gives in the name of the Lord. Jesus said that if you do not bring forth what is within you then it will kill you. Jesus knew that we have to bring peace and harmony to the mind, body and soul and when we do so; we then live in peace and harmony with all creation.

December 2007, 'RED CROW" passed on to the Spirit world. He gave many messages to America before he left planet earth physically.

The Spiritual Elder Red Crow speaks

Part 1

In the past our father said "What is happening on the planet is incongruous". Last night Jesus came and he was very sad that people are not listening. He gave me the name 'BLACK ELK" The story of Black Elk is about a massacre and bloodshed on American soil. In 1875, the Sioux and Cheyenne Indians left their reservations and gathered in Montana with the great warrior Sitting Bull to defend their lands. It was called the 'Battle of Little Big Horn". The Massacre At Wounded Knee in 1890 followed and Black Elk was injured in the battle. His memories of the massacre haunted him for the rest of his life. "The Indians began firing into 'Troop K' to gain the canyon of Wounded Knee creek. In doing so they exposed their women and children to their own fire." http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/knee.htm


It is essential that America listens to the Indigenous peoples and unite with them in the name of God. When the children of our planet honour the Spiritual Elders we will know that the people of planet earth have turned the corner. When parents exalt the children to equality and honour their wisdom, the chldren will then return the honour of appreciating their elders. Many receive a great deal of help from the divine and God said 'The cosmos is not a one way street"

What are you giving back? What are you sharing? Who and what are you supporting?

Many religious people do not realise that the Native Americans honoured our father.


Elks live in herds and in Native American Animal Medicine the Elk tells us that group support is essential now. We must live in harmony with the animals and all of creation. When Jesus was close by last night I saw him looking upon America and putting his hand over his face and mouth. America did not listen, it has taken its own path, it is like a train that cannot be stopped because the drivers refuse to listen. He knows the crash is coming and he will do his best to rescue who he can.

To those that have the ears to hear, let them hear what the Lord says to the people of America.

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