Wednesday 31 December 2008

People are not a commodity, without love they become so.

"People are not a commodity, without love they become so. Children are the supreme joy of human life. Parents are just the guardian's of the soul. A precious gem born to shine. It is the guardian's responsibility to ensure the gem is not reshaped but allowed to be its natural state." from Sacred Words

An American Child speaks out about the new world order and the police state in schools.

"The problem with education is due to its existing nature of reality. It is based upon ingrained judgement. This stops children engaging with the flow of the divine self and the universe."

Governments infringe upon the human rights of children. The will of the child is crushed and then they wonder why we have depressed children with their energy and lives going astray. This is treason against the sovereignity of the child. It is an abuse of their human rights. It is in contravention of the UN charter for children.

"The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted in 1989, lays out the fundamental human rights of children. One of the principles is that Children should be free to express their views. And these views should be taken into account in ALL matters that affect them."

It is also in contravention of the convenent of Spiritual Independence that God gave for the children of the world on the 9th September 2007. Eroding the boundaries of children does not please God. Our father asks the world to exalt the children to equality and treat them as sacred.

When we began working with underprivileged families one of the first things we passed on to them was the UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS ARTICLE 19.

"Everyone as the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions, without interference, and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media, and regardless of frontiers.

Jesus said "Those that remain silent are compliant to the suffering in the world".

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