Friday 26 June 2009

The Goat-Crab Lunar Eclipse July 7th

After the recent full moon of healing the grief followed the passing of an Angel, Farah Fawcett and the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, both were icons of the childhoods of the 50 year olds. We have also witnessed the grief of Iran and many innocent people being killed. May they all rest in peace.

Next on the horizon is the partial lunar eclipse on the 7th of July 2009.

"This partial lunar eclipse will occur as the Moon passes through the constellation of Capricorn at 15º24’. At exactly 5:21am the Sun will be moving opposite the Moon through the constellation of Cancer at 15º24’." [1]

With the moon in capricorn we are likely to see some locked horns and detrimental emotions rear their heads in those that allow emotion to control them. Capricorn tends to be a stubborn sign and does not change easily or quickly. They take a long time to side step up the mountain both the goat and capricorn are symbolic of orthodox religion/belief systems and combined with a lunar eclipse Islam is bound to be showing the dark side of its moon.

This evening I saw an image of the burka and the women are on the move, above their heads was a large bottle of conditioning and without a doubt their conditioning is not just about covering the hair. The targets have been selected and they are making a bee-line with a sting in their pinchers. Bottles of liquid are not what people think they contain. These women have something explosive to deliver in more ways than one. The impact of the cycle of an eclipse can last for 19 years so the choices that people make around this time can have long range affects. The law of cause and effect is still playing a major role while we transit through Saturn (Black), Virgo (Madonna) and major limitations are being put upon people by themselves because they are not breaking their karmic cycles at this point. It is the point of no return for many and many will not make it home to the Kingdom of God this lifetime.

If a person does not enter the Kingdom of God while on earth they do not enter when they pass over either. As God said "The cosmos is not a one-way street". So what happens to those people who have not made their breakthroughs this life time? They come straight back again to do it all again until they do raise the vibration of their souls and burn off the dross so that there is no more fat on the meat.

With the sun moving through the constellation of cancer this is sure to impact on those that have have not yet come out of their shells. It reminds me of the words that the Lord asked us to give to a teenager "The world is your oyster and you are a pearl of wisdom sitting inside a shell of love".

Will people break open the shell to find the pearl? That depends on sheer effort of seeking within. Those that do are eventually given a string of divine pearls to wear from God.

The sun is having to move the crabs forwards because they like to go sideways too and bury themselves in the sand. Many people will feel like running away but where will they run, where can they hide from the self and the harsh realities that they now face? Other people will be considering a move abroad, some will be choosing to go home to the country of their heritage and others will be looking for a safe haven for the future of their families.

Both the moon and cancer are about the waves of emotions so it is bound to be a stressful time for those that have not achieved self mastery, self discipline etc.

For the healed and whole it is a time of resplendent peace; many are beginning to see the fruition of all their hard work and feel blessed that they put the effort into heal and develop the self. However, as they view the world go by; nobody can afford to become complacent or sit back on their laurels.

A goat can easily tread on a crab and crush it. However, the sun plans to shine brightly so that the heat is so hot for the crabs that they move out of the way of the goats into a cooler reality of the waters of the divine feminine. People are being pushed to move into a different reality to make sure that they don't get burnt by their own misfortune that has been co-created due to a lack of action at the right time and in the right place.

Aesop Fables

The Crab and Its Mother

A Crab said to her son, "Why do you walk so one-sided, my child? It is far more becoming to go straight forward." The young Crab replied: "Quite true, dear Mother; and if you will show me the straight way, I will promise to walk in it." The Mother tried in vain, and submitted without remonstrance to the reproof of her child.

The moral of the story is that the crabs are not leading by example and as such the children have more wisdom then their parents. Children learn what they live and this will really come to the fore this year. Can parents take responsibility for their co-creation? Can parents learn to walk upright and in a straight way in integrity? I once met a man in Australia who asked me why his daughter kept telling lies and I asked him why do you? Her Father did not live in integrity and as such the child did not learn to do so either.


This will be a key issue now because there is a great deal of falsehood being spread across the planet by those that have not healed the self or found the truth within themselves. People do not go very far on their spiritual journey home to God without integrity in place.

Children have been indoctrinated since childhood in less good ways. When will parents exalt their children to equality and stop imposing their will upon them and in so doing stop crushing their God given will? The goats are certainly doing a lot of crushing at the moment as they rise with this partial lunar eclipse. The children are speaking up but are the parents listening to the truth of the child? Children view life in a very black and white way there are no grey areas until the age of 11/12 when they are able to then assimilate information more fully. The innocence, wonder and unconditional love of the child is mighty indeed. Hence why Jesus said you must become like a child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Crab And The Fox

"A Crab, forsaking the seashore, chose a neighboring green meadow as its feeding ground. A Fox came across him, and being very hungry ate him up. Just as he was on the point of being eaten, the Crab said, "I well deserve my fate, for what business had I on the land, when by my nature and habits I am only adapted for the sea?'

The moral of the story from Aesop concludes that the grass is not always greener. Many came to the West thinking that the streets were paved with gold only to find out that they were better off, in other ways in their own land. Others in Europe are facing the biggest recession for nearly two decades due to immigration and the global financial meltdown. Some that moved to other parts of Europe to live their dream are now faced with another move abroad further afield; to find jobs and a future for their children. Being contented where we are is a great blessing in life. Contentment is priceless and cannot be purchased because it can only be found within. Can people learn to accept less then they have had in the past? Can people share more with those worse off than themselves?

Remember this the pinchers of a crab are no match for a goat or a fox and crabs get eaten by humanity.

It is not a time to get cosy because the comfort zones are still being stripped away from humanity due to their own co-creation.

The good news is that the more that people emerge from their old ways of being, the more that people take responsibility and open their eyes and ears the better life will be for them. Let the light guide you around the obstacles; you do not have to climb the mountain you can teach your soul to fly over it. One does not require a visa to fly into heaven, it is easy to overcome when you get the hang of it.

The intuition of the women and those in touch with their feminine sides will be acute at this time. The dreams and visions will increase for more people who have not experienced them before; just as the prophet Joel predicted.

This is also a good time to look at one's eating habits are they healthy for you? Are you getting enough nutrients or are you eating out of a packet? Mum's what are you feeding the family? Is it fresh and home cooked?

This lunar eclipse is a Saros 110 and the last time there was a 110 was in 1991. 1n 1991 there was a serious recession, ecological disasters and political shifts. It included the collapse of Yugoslavia and the political approach to the disarmament crisis in the gulf. Unfortunately, it was a time of war in Europe and the Middle East. Can humanity shift the tide? Only if they get off their butts and start walking the talk; only if people start standing up and telling the truth. Only if people are prepared to take action to change the face of humanity.

So no surprise then that there are problems at the EU over immigration, talk of disarmament of Iran and political shifts in different parts of the world while the world is still in an international monetary crisis and recession. All I can say is bring on the end of the Saturn in Virgo transit and let the great emergence of emotive social evolution come to be. Those that can fly divine hang on to your safety belt because there is going to be some stormy weather. Those with turbine engines make sure that they don't get clogged up with the weather patterns because 1991 was a war year for the USA and the Gulf. The goats can come in many shapes and forms from many cultures; fixed beliefs are not solely owned by religionists but can be with people from all walks of life including atheists. However, the Elephant will stand on the goats as God predicted so that the crabs can go their own way.

The yin and yang of this lunar eclipse is Truth -v- falsehood, Integrity -v- lies. So it is bound to be leading up to a big showdown.


Electric Light Orchestra

The New Moon in Cancer also falls on July 22 with a Solar eclipse, more news about this one soon.

Peace beyond measure


Today is the 26th the numerical value of the name of God and it is Shabat.

Post 173 in 2009. 173 "Father is Pleasure" and "Valley"

Humanity are definitely in the Valley and their faith will not save them.

1 comment:

Eliakim said...


Two lunar crop circles.

Magic Mushroom, they say that religion is the opium for the masses.

Lunar Centipede