Monday 8 June 2009


For these last days it is written

"All the nations may walk in the name of their gods; we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever." Micah 4:5

Who is the true God?

The one that gives you the choice to choose like every good Father.God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Joseph and David.

"For my light has sprung from the source of his knowledge.; my eyes have beheld His marvelous deeds, and the light in my heart, the mystery to come. He that is everlasting in the support of my right hand; the way of my steps is over stout rock which nothing shall shake; for the rock of my steps is the truth of God and his might is his support of my right hand.

From the source of His righteousness is my justification, and from His marvelous mysteries is the light in my heart. My eyes have gazed on that which is eternal, on wisdom concealed from men, on knowledge and wise design. (hidden) from the sons of men; on a fountain of righteousness and on a storehouse of power, on a spring of glory (hidden) from the assembly of flesh.

God has given them to His chosen ones as an everlasting possession, and has caused them to inherit the lot of the Holy Ones. He has joined their assembly to the Sons of Heaven to be a Council of the Community, a foundation for the building of holiness, and eternal plantation throughout all ages to come.

Who can endure Thy glory; and what is the son of man in the midst of thy wonderful deeds.? What shall one born of woman be accounted before thee? "
Dead Sea Scrolls.....

“The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights. For the director of music. On my stringed instruments.”- Habakkuk 3:19

Glory be to God our heavenly Father.


Give the Sons of Light strength and courage Father, let mercy and compassion remain in their hearts of your love.

Give the Angels the encouragement to teach their souls to fly beyond their existing realities.

Give the Saints patience beyond measure and wisdom to understand the divine plan.

Give the abundance to the righteous ones so that they may help those that stumble upon the healing path home to God.

Give peace to those that are troubled, give understanding to those that are in pain. Give strength to those that suffer in your name.

Give hope to those that have lost it, give grain to those that require food and water to those that cannot reach it.

Pour out your Spirit upon men, women and children, let them feel you close by.

Send your angels to uplift them and listen to their woes. Send your saints to speak the truth and the Holy ones to lead the way.

Raise humanity up Abba, turn not your face away. Let them not fall by the wayside.

Humanity are ready for redemption and to redeem their souls.

Speak to them Father, let them know that you are here.

Give them the proof of your existence as you gave it to me.

Show them your way, the sacred path of healing.

So that peace, love and light can reign supreme.

Bar Shalaam Abba, Bar Shalaam Eliakim

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