Monday 8 June 2009

Humanity have a short wick left! Rocky Horror Show

This morning I received these messages:


Interesting that this video is called 'Rock Obama -v- Queen Hillary'

After I posted the above video our heavenly Father said "Yes, it is the Rocky Horror Show".

After I received the words 'OBAMA QUEEN" I saw a vision of a Tiger with huge stripes and the song given to the American people to give them courage in the past was 'Eye of the Tiger" from the Rocky film.

Then the word COMMONWEALTH was given.


Just before coming here to post this I was given 'Humanity have a short wick left!

Now a candle with a short wick can be easily blown out and it is time for humanity to wake up fast if the planet is to avoid monumental disasters that they are co-creating for the self. The longer that humanity rebels against returning to the sacred the more disasters are co-created. It is time for self-responsibility at a level that humanity have not witnessed in the history of the ages. It is time to leave the profane and return to the sacred.

When God gave us the prophetic vision about Obama attacking Pakistan Chinese New Year, Obama was called ‘Pharoah” e.g. King of Egypt called themselves gods. Now American news media are calling Obama god and so did the restaurant owner in France. The Leopard mentioned in the biblical prophecies also says that the Leopard has the feet of a bear e.g. Making the footprints and impression on the planet of a communist ideology. Egypt is also part of the African continent and Obama has just returned from his speech to the Islamic world in Cairo.

After seeing the vision of the tiger and being given the word COMMONWEALTH. I then went to the forum and this news media clip had been uploaded calling Obama God.

American News media calling Obama the new world god

My view of this vision is that now that the EU and Israel have moved to the right; Obama will now move towards the commonwealth countries. The Tiger could also indicate Africa, India and Russia (Siberian tiger) are the next on his hit list. It could also mean that he intends to broaden the US to include Canada and other commonwealth countries to counteract the EU. Also bear in mind that there was a Latin American/Arab conference held in April. In recent days there has also been information floating around the internet that the USA are trying to slip through a bill to ensure that the Presidents term does not end; so in effect Obama would become a monarch exactly as God mentioned in the vision about the attack on Pakistan.

“The English noun commonwealth dates from the fifteenth century. The original phrase "common-wealth" or "the common weal" comes from the old meaning of "wealth," which is "well-being." The term literally meant "common well-being." Thus commonwealth originally meant a state or nation-state governed for the common good as opposed to an authoritarian state governed for the benefit of a given class of owners. Commonwealth derives from the Latin term res publica, a broad concept which is also sometimes translated as "public affairs" or "the state" in certain contexts. Res publica is also the term from which the English word republic arises.Today the term is more general and means a political community. The type of community indicated by the term commonwealth varies. For instance, in different contexts it might indicate:a political unit founded in law by agreement of the people for the common good; a federated union of constituent states; a community of sovereign states; a republic; a democratic constitutional monarchy. Outside of those states that call themselves commonwealths, "the Commonwealth" normally refers to the 53-member Commonwealth of Nations” [1] The UN could also fall into this category.

Commonwealth is also an excellent play on words. I know a lot more than I share because I do not wish for anyone to be afraid. However, I cannot hold back any longer; we are on the brink of a nuclear war and there is a battle going on for the souls of humanity and the natural resources of the planet. Those that get the souls get the natural resources of the planet and there is not enough natural resources in the world to provide everyone who inhabits planet earth with what the West has taken for granted. The greater the desires of the developing countries the greater pressure there is on the environment, the eco system, climate change etc. Humanity have to change fast and return to the sacred if we are to avoid monumental disasters like humanity have never witnessed before.

If we get through the next 2.8 years without a major military conflict it will be a miracle and God said “You must be living ecologically and self-sustainably by 2012”.

We have been telling people since the start of the Saturn in Virgo transit that humanity have a choice violent change or enlightened change and sadly at the moment; the people of this planet are moving towards violent change due to people rebelling against changing the self by healing the root causes of the real core issues.

Another messenger was sent from God to America the 20th century.

A Warning To America by Dumitru Duduman

In this video Dumitru is reiterating what we have been saying about the importance of healing and returning to the sacred. When we heal the self we also heal group consciousness.

"In 1984, after years of intense persecution, a Romanian evangelist, Dumitru Duduman, was thrown out of his country for smuggling Bibles into Romania and Russia. With the help of the American Consulate, Dumitru and his family came to America. They were picked up at the airport by a Russian agency and taken to a small apartment in Fullerton, California. The apartment had no furniture or beds and to make matters worse, the previous occupants had allowed their dogs to urinate all over the carpeting. Feeling abandoned and discouraged, Dumitru asked God why he had brought him to America. God began to show Dumitru why he was brought to America and the incredible task that lay before him. The following are excerpts from Dumitru's books, "Through the Fire Without Burning" and "Dreams and Visions from God", from his video, "Wake Up. America" and from his "Hand of Help" newsletter. "


God help us all.....

This posted at exactly 900 and the Jewish Rabbi's state; The final tzadik equals 900

The Rabbi is correct she is an Aquarian for an Aquarian Age.

Post 165 in 2009, 165 = 'Lily of Yah".

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