Monday, 28 September 2009

The Jewish Rose Visions

This evening I was shown more visions; the first vision was of Joseph in Egypt and he was sitting down dressed in Egyptian dress. Joseph was the beloved son of his father Jacob and his father gave him the coat of many colours. His brothers were jealous of him and he was sold to the Ishmaelites who sold him to the court of the Pharoah. For those of you that may not know the story; Joseph was able to interpret the dreams of the King and Joseph was rewarded for doing so.

His interpretation of the dreams enabled the people of Egypt to avoid a great famine that would last some years. He became a great hero of Egypt and eventually his family were reunited with him there. He forgave his brothers and taught them forgiveness, brotherhood and the importance of the family.


Then I saw an image that looked like a phantom of the opera, he had his back to me, it was a very large energy in black with a white mask and the phantom was looking at Joseph. It felt like a great wave of darkness had come over Egypt after the era of Joseph had come to an end.


The date of the launch of the Star Wars film is a key date '1999' because that date is often mentioned by people that are interested in Nostradamus prophecies.

"When 1999 is seven months o'er, Shall heaven's great King -albeit a dread host, he..Restore the King from Angoumois once more, Ere -- after March -- he'll reign propitiously." Century X-72 [2] Angoumois was a former province of France.

In the summer of 1999 my son and I were living in Australia and that is when Jesus Christ appeared before me for the first time, a few months later we returned to England. The following March (2000) we were back in England and it was the month that the five months Reiki Masters Training Course began.

August 11, 1999 there was a grand cross alignment of the planets and a fixed cross total solar eclipse occurred nine months before the spectacular lining up of the planets happening in May 2000. [3]

Then a vision of the Holy Mother appeared and she looked absolutely beautiful, I had never seen her dressed this way before, she was wearing light colours of white, creams and gold and there was a powerful energy of the Essenes with her. She had her hands reaching out to the people, as she stood before me, I could feel that during her time in Egypt a great light came upon that land and they were truly blessed with her presence during her time there. As she stood there beaming of light and love a rowing boat came out from her skirt. At first there was nobody in the rowing boat then suddenly there were two lovers and the man looked like an Italian man I once knew. This man had worked in Egypt when he was young and that is where he met his wife. They spent many years on the African continent together before parting company.


Then Abba spoke to me he said 'You are the Jewish Rose'.

Jewish Rose, I have not heard this term before so I did a search to see what I could find and there is a sad story about a Jewish family in Germany during the war called 'The White Rose'. It is a story of dissent, courage, principle and honour.

"In the vogue words of the time, the Scholls and their friends represented the “other” Germany, the land of poets and thinkers, in contrast to the Germany that was reverting to barbarism and trying to take the world with it. What they were and what they did would have been “other” in any society at any time. What they did transcended the easy division of good-German/bad-German and lifted them above the nationalism of time-bound events. Their actions made them enduring symbols of the struggle, universal and timeless, for the freedom of the human spirit wherever and whenever it is threatened."[1]

When Sophie Scholl was on her way to her death due to resistance of tyranny she had not cried before her parents. For them she had smiled. She cried when they had gone and could not see her cry. She was a very brave girl and so were her friends.

When we are the sponge and the soap to wash away the stains of humanity we collect the dirt in the sponge and this is then washed away with our tears.

We will finish this post with a passage from Psalm 41 because the words arrived when we began to write this post.

In my integrity you uphold me and set me in your presence forever. Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Amen and Amen.

These visions are showing us the different cycles that humanity go through and there is a common thread and message between them.


1 comment:

Eliakim said...