Sunday 21 February 2010

Lion and the Blue Tit Visions

When I woke up this morning I saw the beautiful Lion again, then a small blue bird then a winged Lion. Ted Andrews connects the blue bird to Pueblo and that links into the Mexican Memo. However, after viewing pictures of the birds; the bird that I saw was a 'Blue Tit". It comes from Europe and western asia. The Blue Tit only lives for an average of 1.5 years and this is clearly a timing link that takes us into 2012.

The Blue Tits were well known in England for teaching each other on the doorsteps of British homes. In the 1960s it was quite normal to find that the Blue Tits had opened your foiled topped milk bottles left on the doorstep by the milkman. The blue tit liked to drink the cream and is a very clever bird, it also destroys the pests.  [1]

This is the first time that I remember seeing a Winged Lion and it is a symbol associated with the Apostle Mark. It can also be found in Sumerian and Akkadian mythology and there are Winged Lion statues in the British Museum. The Winged Lion is also an emblem on the flag of Venice. 

The prophet Daniel also mentioned a winged lion in his prophecies. 

"The first was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground so that it stood on two feet like a man, and the heart of a man was given to it." Dan 7:4 

In this same chapter from Daniel it also mentions the Leopard that is also mentioned in the book of Revelation. Chapter 13 talks about the Leopard being given its seat of power and the Leopard is symbolic of Obama. 

Chapter 7 of Daniel also mentions the one like a son of man.   "In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence." Dan 7:13 

I was blessed to be led into the presence of the Ancient of Days during my divine training. 

After I received the visions I got up and I felt really tired and down, its obviously been a very busy night working in other realities.  It feels like something very big is about to kick off on the planet. However, I would like to concentrate on the positive and my link with Mark is the book that I have been writing about the Christ teachings. 

Apostle Mark is also linked to Venice, the Latin and Greek Churches celebrate his feast day on the 25th of April, but the Greek Church keeps also the feast of John Mark on the 27 September.  In Latin Mark is also Marcus. [2]

So what do we have here? In my view these visions are talking about the Christ teachings. 

The Lion, the timing and dates, the bird that likes the cream and the book that must be finished and published to help the Christians. The New Testament also tells the Christians that they were given the milk but not the meat because they were not ready to receive the meat. 

Before the Christians will be ready to receive the meat they have to receive the cream of the Christ teachings. As we know cream rises to the top of the milk bottle, it is natural and healthy for you. When the flock have received the cream then they will become Lions with wings and teach their souls to fly. 

So one could say we're going to take the lid off it just like the blue tit who teaches the other blue tits to do the same. 

Today is the 'Day of Intimacy' and that resonates with the visions as well. Its also a 323 day in hebrew gematria, the vibration of NASA/Bare. [3]



Eliakim said...

We shared the visions on a forum this morning prior to a post being made that 18 tons of explosives had been stolen in Mexico. However, the explosives have now be found.

18 tons of stolen explosives found in Mexico

Mexico Star
Sunday 21st February, 2010

"Kabbalah teaches that 18 corresponds to the power of ratzon, ("will"), in the soul. This is the third and lowest head of the keter. The commandments of the Torah are the will of G-d. When a person performs a commandment, he gives G-d, as it were, nachat ruach, "pleasure," in that he performed G-d's will. Ratzon ("will") corresponds to Arich, which is also Arichut Yamim, ("long life"). This of course, corresponds to chai, 18. The long life alluded to here is in the merit of the commandments that the person performs."

ELIAKIM said...

On Saturday, I saw an ancient sculpture of the winged Lion in the new museum section of artifacts found where the new Athens airport was built.

The last few days we have been staying in a retreat centre near the mountains and not far from the airport. We were hoping to get some sunshine to this body before leaving Greece but after a very warm winter, the cold and rains have come to Greece. We have a lot to report when we return to England.

Another reason why I have commented on this post is that in the area of the retreat they make a wonderful cream yoghurt and it is the only place it can be found in Greece.

The Christ energy is very strong here and lovely messages were received yesterday morning at dawn.

The second message was about the Sonnet to God and to encourage people to write their sonnets.

God bless Greece and the LION Hearts.

Eliakim xx