Friday 26 February 2010

Uranus in Aries 2010 and beyond 2012

The Champion of the Cause

I woke up this morning seeing visions of astrology symbols so its a good idea to concentrate your eye on the astrology map at the moment. Know your own map and how it fits into the grand scheme of things. The North Node is particularly important because it prescribes the journey that you chose pre-destination. It describes what you came here to learn and or overcome. After the age of 40 your Ascendent has a much greater impact on your life. Your moon sign impacts on how you respond emotionally. So for instance my sun sign is Aquarius, the water bearer, the ascendent is Sagittarius the archer and moon sign is GEM_IN-I the communicator. 

The astrological signs that I saw this morning were all in gold and they came with waves of colour. The water sign can also be found in the ancient pictographs, it was Mah that became the hebrew letter Mem and the M is written in my right hand. The Rabbi says that this hebrew letter is the 'Fountain of Wisdom". [2]

The Greek name of this letter is 'Mu". In the original pictographs it has the meaning of fluid, water and mighty seas and as we know water is feminine. Uranus is the H symbol, you may remember an earlier post that we made on the importance of the H and the time of arrival following the message from God. [3]

This year Uranus enters Aries and it will stay there beyond 2012. Uranus rules Aquarius, in Greek mythology it is the personification of the heavens. The key principles are genius, uniqueness, individuality, freedom, unconventional, innovative, creative, progressive, it enhances high ideals, high standards of morality and humanitarian causes. It is the 'Champion of the Cause" and it has a very powerful impact on the effects of the spiritual law and the divine plan

With Uranus in Aries it will definitely impact on the babies of the zodiac and those that have not matured emotionally or spiritually. Remember Aries is the ram and Uranus descends upon the ram like the elephant that stood on the ram in the Chet Visions. The more childish people are the more it will hit them where it hurts. It will impact a great deal on new and young nations that are still maturing and will show them the fork in the road and where to go.

Aries is the baby of the zodiac and Aries is about 'I WANT"S',  so those that sit in the 'I wants' state of consciousness are really going to have a hard time of it if they don't move with the times into the heart of essentials. All countries ruled by Aries will also feel the impact of Uranus very strongly at the fundamental level of being. Remember Uranus is unconventional so the religions will be threshed a great deal more before God and his cosmos is finished with them.

The water of Aquarius continues to bring the waters of purification to wash and sanctify the babies. It also brings Harmonic Epiphany and the blessing of the waters back into focus.

Its growing up time folks. Its time for humanity to learn to be kind to each other and move into the heart of 'we give'.

I like the genius aspect of it and that links back to an earlier post that we made on the gem-in-i. It is bound to shower the war mongers because Aries is ruled by Mars, known as god of war. The war mongers will get drenched in this 3 year of creative solutions and innovation.

Uranus is also about the heavens and those that live in the heavenly realms of being. This is the opportunity for spiritual people to have a great impact on society and culture to maintain freedom and spiritual independence. The power is with spiritual man and woman when they harness it for the good of all. All for one and one for all. The spiritual law from the heavens is going to be paramount now and its really important that people come to understand it and honour it because it can be fatal when people don't.

This statement sums up Uranus entering ARIES...very well.

"When a true genius appears in this world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him." - Jonathan Swift

The true genuis is the one with the solutions that are innovative; this is the time of creative innovation and inspired works in art, literature and films. It will also give the cutting edge scientists that are spiritually in tune a big boost too as they continue to provide a bridge between science and spirituality.

The Uranus Genius takes on the Aries Ram and rams don't like change because they like to be in control. It will certainly impact on the Asian communities and also the middle east that do not like change at a fundamental level. It will impact on the men that refuse to change or let go of control. So we are likely to see more dictators and controllers fall along with many organisational structures and companies that are not aligned with the divine plan of God.

As we said previously King Canute cannot stop the waves of change. Being an Air sign the four winds come with Uranus and the four winds are symbolic of the prophets, peace makers, healers and teachers.


Old structures continue to fall with the old tree of life that rotted due to selfishness and the 'I'm Alright Jack" mentality. America will continue to get hit where it hurts while Uranus is in Aries. The new tree of life was planted a long time ago and it is growing at an amazing speed. The profane will get drenched now with the power of uranus.

More signs from the heavens are coming...

The water comes to put out the fire created by man and of course the waters from heaven are divine and are symbolic of the divine feminine. Water is the most sacred part of the planet because nothing can grow without it. 

"Water can put out a fire because it is man made but a fire will not stop a waterfall that is created by GOD. Water has always been a most sacred part of Mother Earth, the most powerful expression of the life-giving abundance of the Divine feminine aspect." from Sacred Words 

On a personal note it is very positive for me because the Sun rises in the supreme love of Aquarius and I am coming to my second Saturn Return in 2012. I am also known to be a champion of causes. Yes, as unconventional as they come, nobody can typecast me or put me in a box. Those ruled by Uranus are free spirits that cannot be contained, restricted or limited by earthly realities or the perceptions of others. An unfettered flame of God's divine love is heavenly. 

My son is also an Aquarian and his Father was an Aries as was mine. So it will be very interesting to see how Uranus in Aries impacts on him over the next few years. Uranus in Aries will definitely impact on the Fathers. 

As we are preparing to go off to Greece at the weekend you might be interested in their natal chart. 

God bless it....

Today is the 26th and 26 is the gematria value of the name of God. The birth date given for Greece is the 13th and I was also born on the 13th day. The 26th of February is also the 'Day of Arousal". So this post is bound to arouse a few people. 

In the gematria frequence today is an 823 day and that is 'sculptured stone' [4] just like a diamond is sculptured. It is also the sum of 'Righteousness', 'Come', 'Daughter', 'Sign' and 'Highway". [5]


1. Astrology symbols courtesy of Wikipedia.





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