Thursday 18 November 2010

The Covenant

I have a lot of respect for Jeff Benner, (USA) the author of the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon. You can find his work on youtube and on his website Ancient Hebrew Research Centre. In this video he talks about the word 'COVENANT' tracing it back to its roots.

The word for Covenant in Hebrew is B'riyt and it comes from the root word BARAH and it means MEAT. Israel broke the covenant so it was split into two nations. We also witness the same beginning to happen again, over 30% of the people living in  Jerusalem are Muslims, most people are also aware of the world's pressure to co-create two different nations.

Not only is this happening in Israel but in many parts of the world due to the people not doing the will of God. The big divide is also happening in the USA and Europe because they refuse to do the will of God as well.

As Abba said on the 15th of November 2010, 'They are parched but they won't come to the water to drink, so now they will sink'. They had a choice to choose the pink, instead they chose to shrink'.

Jeff cites the scripture from Prophet Jeremiah 34:18 that mentions the calves. "That have not performed the words of the covenant which they made before me, when they cut the calf in twain, and passed the parts thereof'. Jer 34:18

Prior to the above the Aramaic translation states the following:

"Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will perform the GOOD things which I have spoken concerning the house of Israel and concerning the house of Judah, says the LORD. In those days and that time e.g. the appointed time. I will cause an heir of righteousness to rise up to David; and he shall rule over the kingdom and shall have understanding and shall executive justice and righteousness in the land. In those days Judah shall be saved and Jerusalem shall dwell safely; and this is the name by which they shall call him. The LORD our righteousness.

For thus says the LORD, David shall never lack an heir to sit on the throne of the house of Israel; neither shall the priests and the Levites lack a man before me to offer burnt offerings and to burn meat offerings and to do sacrifice and to burn incense continually. And the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah saying, thus says the LORD if they can break the ordinances of the day, and my ordinances of the night, so that there should not be day and night in their appointed time.

The text then continues to talk about the breaking of the covenant with David and that the LORD will reject the descendants of Jacob and David and have mercy upon them. In other words, the person that God would send would not come from Israel because they are to have mercy for all people and especially the children. This also relates to the Torah and Moses asking God to bestow the blessing upon a descendent of Joseph, and England is the land of Joseph. Nostradamus also predicted that the prophet would come from England.  The Torah also states that God will ask for a reckoning from those that do not do his will when asked to do so. Does God have mercy for me? I do wonder sometimes having to experience the planetary energies as I do.

Before I left for the second mission to Israel in 2007, Abba said 'Israel are listening to a false prophet and you will hold the snake in your hand'. The false prophet as been revealed to me and they are a descendent of Jacob that lives in the land of Israel. However, as we know there are many of them and prophet Isaiah predicted that I would find them when I was sent to Israel.


Now there are two key principles to discuss here in the video provided by Jeff Benner, first that the calves mentioned in the Malachi text is clearly talking about the people as is the text from Jeremiah. Although in the Aramaic text Jer 34:18 there is no mention of the calves see above.

The Malachi text is also talking about the last days of the end times,  the appointed time and the Messenger of the Covenant. In the words delivered by Malachi he talks about the "calves leaving their stalls' what do stalls do? Divide. As we know in orthodox religious places men and women are separated as such they are in stalls. Religion also separates and divides the people in the head and spirituality unites the people. in the heart of intelligence.

However, the word religion does not exist in biblical Hebrew, as such the desert Hebrews were like other peoples with a spiritual philosophy that as clearly developed and meshed with others down the ages.

The desert Hebrews were SPIRITUAL at one with nature, they shared the oral teachings like every other culture around world through story telling. Every story as a moral, and the best story tellers were and are the best self development facilitators. The spiritual elders help the people to find the truth within themselves, by sharing what they know, from the wisdom of their wealth of life experience with those that are ready and willing to receive it.

Secondly, the word MEAT is also very important because in the New Testament the MEAT is symbolic of the spiritual teachings and it states that the Christians were not given the meat because they were not ready for it. Hence, why they were only given the milk.

In spirituality, a person is not ready for the next level of spiritual teachings if they have not already integrated what they already know. In other words they must be walking the talk. Where does the milk come from? The breast of the mother, in other words the babes in Christ are still drinking the milk from the bosom of wisdom that contains the milk of the Christ teachings.

In my experience the divine feminine comes at the beginning of working with the soul, it is certainly not the end of the spiritual journey home to God for those that are solely with the divine feminine aspects.

Divine mother comes first because she is very gentle and it is a very tender love affair with the babies that she has birthed, the mother nurtures and the father protects the children until they grow up and mature emotionally and spiritually. However, as we know single parents have to be both mum and dad.

In spirituality, and in the biblical texts the meat can also relate to yourself and it is termed as burning off the dross and cutting away the fat. The analogy of removing the fat from the meat e.g. our own bodies is removing that which is not required, because he were born to be lean, keen and return to our essential selves. Our purest essence of a purified soul, otherwise called the VIRGIN state that comes to be before the merging with the Spirit. Apostle John was also called John the Virgin. The soul becomes as white as snow, in other words pure light without any darkness within it.  Christians might like to review the parable of the Virgins because it is relevant to now.

It is not a physical cutting, it is a spiritual cutting, cutting away anything and everything that is not required anymore for your spiritual growth, development and ascension. Its a similar process with burning off the dross from the soul, in other words the soul is being purified from that which it does not require anymore.  In modern terms this is done by healing the self of past life memories from past deeds that the soul brings with it this life time to heal.

If people do not heal the self they continue to repeat old patterns and life conditions unconsciously and this keeps the people in the never ending cycle of captivity. Now it starts to get interesting when you view Jeff's first introduction video where he explains in Ancient Hebrew thought some concepts are in reverse. He explains how the past is in front of you and the future is behind you in Hebraic philosophy.

My understanding and experience of this spiritual philosophy is that one cannot go anywhere if one does not heal the past that is standing in the way of your ascension. The fact that the future is behind you is also an interesting concept, because usually that which stands behind is usually HaSatan, and HaSatan is the accuser and adversary of all that is good, healed, whole, as such HOLY.

You may remember in a recent vision DARTH VADER was behind me when I turned around. So in effect, Abba as given the people a new concept for HaSatan that is more modern and easier for the young ones to understand.

As Abba said 'Those who are your accusers and adversaries stand behind you. Those that love and honor you stand by your side and those that think they are ahead of you will die'.

So how will they die?

A man said to me in July, I feel like I am dying.

I replied to him, 'It's OK, the old you is dying so that the new you can come to be'.

He was experiencing what we call in spirituality the 'Dark night of the soul'. You will also find this term in Christian mysticism and it is an experience that one has when the dross is being burned off from the soul. The remaining fat is being removed. One can also experience the crucifixion in more ways than one prior to ascension of the being.

Here is the video from Jeff on the word COVENANT = MEAT.

Here is the video on the Covenant given to us by God for the children of the world. Can we see it? Yes, of course we can because God as made it possible for us to do so. The next step is embracing it or breaking it. If you truly embrace it and the will of God then share it with others.

If you would like to share anything that you find on this blog, please ensure that you honor the source, when possible make a donation if it has helped you with your own understanding or spiritual growth.

We have spent a long time honoring others for divine purpose of leading by example. It is to engage the people to do the same in integrity and when you receive to give.  To always honor the source and those that deliver it to you. As Abba said 'It is not a one way street'.

Love and justice beyond measure



Anonymous said...

Im a bit confused at your insinuations in this article. Its almost as if you are claiming that allowing Muslims to live in Israel or U.S. or other places, is immoral and against the will of the divine creator ? Do we really believe that the divine creator partakes in something as ludicrious as manmade religions or religious agendas ?

Anonymous said...

Eliakim, I am curious as to your thoughts/opinions on the reported cases of "some" Jewish people spitting on Christians , when they are in Jerusalem or the wailing wall?

Anonymous said...

To the anon above about me linking jews and usary. I never said all jews, i truthfully do not know which ones are at fault and which are innocent; they work way behind the scenes, stealing tax payer money to hirer others to do their dirty work, and this makes it very difficult for anyone to point a sure finger: this is all evil, cunning and deception at its best, i do admit.

I do know i am one of many who are huge victims of these puppet masters and it is the puppet masters i want taken down first, not their peons, their peons have tons of resources to make retribution to the people.

I also know the innocent ones have nothing to worry about, only the ones who wish me to be silenced.

I am working to break down all of the avenues of deception.


Anonymous said...

Christiana, my comments were in no way linked to you or your posts. I am debating with Elikiam .

Eliakim said...

Israel was mandated by the world to be a Jewish state and the PLO do not give Israel the right to exist.

I recommend that you both spend two years on a Muslim forum so that you come to understand the global Islamic strategy and how they take over nations. Truthful Muslims do not hide the fact that the Islamic agenda is to take over the world and convert everyone to Islam.

Remember one nation became 57 and the people from those countries did not go their willingly.

Americans are not yet experiencing what we are experiencing in Europe, complete cultural genocide of a culture and nation.

However, don't complain to me in five years from now. When your children cannot get jobs due to immigration.

At the beginning of this year an American asked me 'How long of we got before it is like Europe here? I told that USA as five more years to turn it around and kick out Sharia Finance and Law before it kicks you under the carpet of Islam.

However, as we're coming to the end of this year. The USA now as 4 more years to turn it around.

Eliakim said...

If you choose to come here then come here in respect for the work of God, otherwise your posts will be removed.

Both of you that have signed Anonymous, are accusers of God's holy one and that does not go down well with God. So best you get it sorted out and heal yourselves of your transgressions.

Anonymous said...

So you are saying that you dont want anyone posting on this forum, who asks questions or debates with you ? In America right now, people cant find jobs, and it isnt because of muslims that this is happening. If you dont want me asking questions on your forum anymore, then I will stop and I guess your forum will go back to having hardly anyone post on it.

Anonymous said...

When people would ask Jesus questions , I wonder if he threatened to censor them ?

Eliakim said...

As we have stated before we have no problem with questions. However questions can be asked without accusations. If you have to ask me questions it is because you do not know, so have the respect to listen and discuss respectfully.

What did Christ say to his accusers? Do you remember? He told them that their father was not his father.

Humanity and the nations are in trouble because they refuse to do the will of God.

The USA chose to learn the hard way instead of the easy way. Now they pay the price, the same for Europe.

This is a blog not a forum.

Anonymous said...

Okay...well in one of your posts, you talk about how high unemployment is a result of MUSLIM infiltration. I responded that in America, we currently have high unemployment without a high infiltration of muslims. So evidently muslims are not the only/main cause of unemployment. The corruptions in Americas politics and financial venues are not because of muslims either. So who do we balme for these problems ?

Eliakim said...

Anonymous, first let me give you a message from Christ that I received this morning for you. He asked me to ask you 'Would you drop your litter in the sanctuary of God? Why then do you drop your litter here?

As far as your question is concerned, I often write from a European perspective to help the USA because what is going on in Europe is already starting to happen in the USA.

I recommend that you check out the work of Brigitte Gabriel because she is very informed.

As far as your blame is concerned, we have to take responsibility and the deeds of the fathers impact on the next 3-4 generations.

So you must look within your families who did not take action when they should have done. Even spiritual elders are looking within themselves now and saying we could have done a lot more. In fact, even Kevin Costner said the same.

While people were enjoying their lives of consumerism they were giving their power away. Not only their own power but the power of the people and their descendents.

That is why people like myself and Kevin Costner are telling the younger ones that you must take action, you must be the change that you wish to see in the world.

The power is with the people when they are a united force.