Tuesday 9 November 2010

ELIAKIM in Megiddo

It was in October 2009 that we were shown the golden Cherubs. [1] Although prior to that there was one very large Cherub.

While looking for the Angel of Mercy, I came across the text that describes how the Messiah is designated a cherub and guardian angel of Eden armed with a flaming sword. The flaming sword is also associated with Archangel Michael that we worked with as mentioned in Rev 12.  The good works were published at the time and shared with spiritual people around the world.

The Messiah is also cited to be the angel of the Great Council, angel of the LORD, the same as the logos and the holy spirit.

The angel is raised above all principalities, powers, virtues and dominations. The Greater Key of Solomon connects the Messiach as the text spelt it, with the connection with the invocation of the water and the hyssop. The advice given is to recite at the time of the operations, versicles of the Psalms 6, 67, 64 and 102. [2] Earlier this year Abba also said that there would be a divine operation.

The Messenger of the Covenant is also called the Angel of the Testament. Why is that? They are called to explain it to the people so that they may understand it,  they are also destined to deliver the flying scroll in divine timing.

Many Christians are not aware that the name that God chose for the one that he would send is hidden in the scriptures and that name was not Jesus. The prophet of Islam did not have the name chosen by God either. God outwitted all of the religionists, he knew that only the one that he sent, in the last days of the end times would understand the messages.  He ensured that the signs would be available to the one that truly understood the words delivered by the prophets.

So shall we review the Psalms that are recommended for the operations? The words that ping out for me in Psalm 6 and the call for mercy are these,  'among the dead no one proclaims your name, who praises you from the grave?

The Americans have been praying for mercy and biblically speaking those that are in the grave are those that are spiritually dead. It is only the spiritually dead that pray to God for mercy. As his Son said, 'Religion buries men in boxes'. Profound words of wisdom as always.

I rather like Psalm 67, but we can do without the last line because we have no requirement for fear as we are helping the people to become dauntless in the face of adversity. As the Son of God taught people to never be afraid,  the last thing that God requires is for you to fear him, because he knows that fear creates disease. He also knows that if you were to fear him, then you would never ever become one with him, due to fear impeding your ascension so that you can look him in the face.

So let us be in awe of him, his wonders, creation and miracles.

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us— so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you. May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples with equity and guide the nations of the earth. May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you. The land yields its harvest; God, our God, blesses us.

Abba did ask you all to write your Sonnets to God, he did not ask you to pray for his mercy. He also asked for every American to make a yearly payment to the indigenous peoples of the land. He asked you all to be merciful and especially to the one he sent to help you.

Interesting that Psalm 64 mentions the conspiracy of the wicked and their plots, because it was while we were doing the will of God on a conspiracy forum (USA) amongst their plotting, that God asked that you write your Sonnets to God.

Now Psalm 102 is fascinating, because it speaks of a generation that had not yet come. It is written for a future generation that had not been created before. It declares that the name of the LORD will be declared in ZION and his praise in (New) Jerusalem.  It also talks of the shortening of the days, and that links in with the Christ when he spoke of the days that would be shortened for the sake of the elect.

There is a wonderful last sentence to this psalm and it is written for the children.

'The children of your servants will live in your presence; their descendents will be established before you." 

No coincidence then that one of the translations of the word ELIAKIM is ''God will establish'.

The sign above was put up in northern Israel in 1950, three years before I was conceived. if I am ever given the opportunity to return again to Israel, I will certainly make sure that we pay the community of ELIAKIM founded by the Yemenite Jews a visit.

No surprise then that the sign ELIAKIM was put in place in the council of Megiddo in Israel. [3]

However, God did plant her in person in the Jezreel Valley as promised in May 2006. The place of the holy gathering on his hill.

Is there such a lack of love in the world that God had to send me to Israel to hear them say 'Nobody has shown us so much love as you have'. Is there such a lack of love in the world that a married English woman in a healing treatment said 'Nobody has ever touched me like that with so much love'. 

Where is the love in humanity, show me.

May the good will of God be done.

1. http://academysounds.blogspot.com/2009/10/cherubim-vision.html
2. Dictionary of Angels Gustav Davidson
3. http://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Megiddo.html

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