Sunday 7 November 2010


On an American blog, a poster was expounding religious freedom. However, in my humble view the cost of religious freedom as been too high, especially in the America's with the decimation of the indigenous peoples. In the middle east too high due to the decimation of cultures, their people and languages.

At what point do you say, sorry, I can't afford it? Do you wait until your culture is destroyed and you are asked to pay higher taxes because you have a different belief system. Do you wait until your child dies of cancer due to the indoctrination of fear, do you wait until a person is so filled with guilt that their immune system completely breaks down.

Do you wait until genocide is staring you in the face again and the world is on the brink of a world war? Do you wait until the eco system is completely destroyed, or when death and disease is far greater than the medical profession can keep up with?

How high does the cost have to be before you say, a resounding NO,  to beliefs that are unhealthy for humanity? Beliefs of the orthodox religious are not the only beliefs that are unhealthy for human consciousness and the soul.

When do people begin to investigate the power of their beliefs on their mind, heart and souls? When do people choose to understand the scientific research that proves that beliefs impact on the body and mind?

Is it when humanity is sick of being sick?

The whole meaning of salvation is about healing and self-development and in my experience the more that people heal themselves, the more that they move beyond their attachments to any specific religion.
As far as the orthodox are concerned they are attached to earthly realities and the true prophets taught detachment, including the Christ and the Buddha.

A Muslim doctor that knew me for many years,  said to me 'You are not human, you are divine' because she knew that she was attached and earth based.

Islam use laws related to religious freedom to establish their religion and their Sharia law. It is a well worn Islamic strategy that many Americans are innocent of. Oklahoma voters have banned Sharia Law and now CAIR announces a lawsuit against it. "The reality is that CAIR may win the case. The First Amendment clearly dictates all government bodies to “make no law respecting the establishment of religion.” [1]

Is orthodox Islam healthy for humanity? No. Is Orthodox Christianity healthy for humanity? No. Is orthodox Judaism healthy for humanity? No. If any of them were healthy for humanity, their members would have no disease by now. So when do you say I will act for that which can co-create perfect health? 

The beliefs of orthodoxy creates disease, fixed minds create all sorts of diseases with their fixidity. Fixidity co-creates Arthritus and Strokes to name just a couple. Strokes are about people who would rather die then change. The biggest predictor of heart disease is anger that has not been healed. The middle east have the highest percentage of deafness? Why is that? They refuse to listen, or they do not wish to hear what is said to them when they are children. Then we have circumcision and other cuts that mutates the genetics of children, creating all sorts of allergies and skin diseases. 

Spirituality is about fluidity and going with the flow of life in harmony with God's perfect creation an natural resources. Spirituality is the complete opposite to orthodoxy. For those that stand against spirituality in its different forms, pray tell me, how many people have been murdered by spiritual people? 

How many truly spiritual people have seriously harmed whole communities down the ages? Can you count them on more than one hand? Yet, repeatedly, down the ages spiritual people have been decimated by the orthodox and carnal mindsets. Healers murdered in witch hunts, others having their organs removed in China in the 21st century, and let us not forget what the communists have done to Tibet.  

It really is time for the Sons of Light to rise up to the challenge that the world faces with the Sons of Darkness, because this time, it is not just one country, people or religious belief. It is the whole of humanity and its future that is at stake. 

This is the time to thresh every single belief system that is unhealthy for humanity. Every single belief that is a co-creator of disease. It is time for the Spiritual Elephant to stamp on the mice and rats that spread the disease that is destroying any chance of the survival of humanity on this planet. 

The choice is yours, you can choose life or death. 

May the will of God be done.....


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