Monday 8 November 2010


We shared about the MEAN TIME for humanity because humanity have been mean. We also shared with you in the Christmas Visions that 'The bar is closing' now the Bank of England announce a SOBER DECADE. 

The UK is looking to close the massive deficit with China. The USA appears locked into China,  in the book of Revelation, the dragon gave the Leo the Leopard Obama his power. The French are in bed with China and anyone else it can share its bed with. The French never were too fussy about their bed mates, being the sensual nation that they are.  Whatever you do, don't mention the war! Its certainly an economic and information war of the nations.

And guess what? Another meeting of the pea brains at G20 in Korea. [1] As Abba calls them 'The New World Monkeys' and 'Slime Balls'.

As Maggie Thatcher once said 'Buy British' and that was a hey day in the UK, the greatest financial stability known in modern times.  There comes a point when it is neither ecological or economical to export and import. Remember its the global corporations that require a global currency because of exporting. Its important to remember that the global corporations are only interested in short term returns, they have proven that they have no regard for the depletion of the natural resources of this planet, or the fact that consumerizing the planet is destroying the planet and contaminating the eco-system.

So yes, a sober time because developing countries are waking up fast to the imposition of Western nations that are taking their people down and down into more poverty and destruction. The roads in the Western world are certainly not paved with gold. Gordon Brown sold most of the family gold and he should be imprisoned for doing so, he sold the wealth of the nation at a loss and should be held accountable. Until the day comes when public servants are held accountable, they will continue doing what they're doing without remorse.

The Western nations having a sober time could be the best thing for it, bearing in mind when people are sober they do not ignore what is staring them in the face. The men can't afford to hide their heads in their beer anymore. Nor can the religious afford to hide their heads in their books. Its time for some very strict housekeeping and a lot of self-discipline. Astrologically speaking the USA will be in the financial hotspot for most of this decade. Does it remind you of Laurel and Hardy and the two political parties? "Well, that's another nice mess you've gotten me into!" Boom and bust tends to do that to humanity. Who don't live within their means or live in harmony with creation? As we said to the banks in the past, keep your hands off the children and write off all 3rd world debt. Decrease your interests rates to business and the people or God will decrease you. As Abba said 'It is not a one way street'. He also said 'NO TAX ON LABOUR'. 

May the good will of God be done


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