Monday 29 November 2010


I had a wonderful divine experience last night. After seeing the H Bomb in my bedroom in the morning, while bathing I put my hands together in the prayer position, just like I did when I was in the swimming pool at Ein Gedi, Israel (2006). When I opened my eyes the children that had been destined to come to Ein Gedi that day, were there with me ready to receive the healing in the water.

During the experience, every finger tip had a strong pulsatiing heart beat. I have used my finger tips in healing treatments. However,  I have never ever experienced the pulsating heart beat in them before. While the finger tips were beating loudly with a heart beat, I could hear the loud heart beat of God at the same time,  our hearts were beating in harmony.

After I took my hands apart and then put them back together again, the hearts in my fingertips began to beat again. It went on for a long time and it was a magical experience.

In the early hours of the morning, I shared the experience with a friend on skype and then the Christ drew close to us while we were sharing our latest news.

There are many hearts and we have shared about the many hearts with the people in the past. When people put their hands in the prayer position all the small hearts unite with the larger heart, they all connect up together to create a bio- electro magnetic circuit.

Fingers and thumbs, come together as ten hearts, in the palm there is also two more larger heart centres making 12. They then connect with the main heart culminating in 13. 13 being the gematria value of AHAVA = LOVE.

Ten is also the number of new cycle of time. Ten is the Hebrew letter YOD and it comes from YAD the hebrew word for hand. [1] In the original ancient pictographs it is a picture of a hand and arm with a clenched fist. Jeff Benner shares with us that the meaning of the letter is 'work, 'make' and 'throw'.

"Lifting up holy hands without wrath or doubting". 1 Tim 2:8

Last night was very powerful indeed.

Today, there is news that a bomb blew up in Iran and killed a nuclear scientist. Is that a co-incidence?

I don't feel so because all explosions are energetic, be it a cold, accident or otherwise.

Is it a sign to Iran to stop doing what they are doing?


Two Hands, One Heart

Peace to humanity


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