Saturday 20 November 2010


In today's climate how can children defend themselves? 

There is no issue with children learning to defend themselves physically. However, there is a big difference between teaching children to be street fighters and teaching children Karate and Judo etc.

In Karate, Judo and Kung Fu and other Martial Arts they are taught self-responsibility, courage, positivity, honor and integrity in defending themselves. They also learn balance, stability and how to use energy for good. 

I know experts of different martial arts and have experienced the honor and integrity of Judo experts first hand. Their self-discipline and honor is beyond measure.

Interesting that one of them is an internationally known martial art expert, he is also the top historian of Reiki healing and Reiki can be found in the bible. Many involved in martial arts have been inspired to go onto study Reiki and others have done it the other way around.  

I have known Reiki teachers who have been inspired to go on to study martial arts. Why is that? Originally the Buddhists learned martial arts as well as how to heal. It was all about ENERGY and how that energy is used to defend the spiritual body and heal it.

Buddhism that the people learn today in the West is not a patch on the original. Like most spiritual philosophies, Buddhism was turned into an intellectual pursuit, and that took it away from its origins in my humble view. The same as happened to the education in schools, the arts and sports were reduced to practically nothing. 

Now due to the academics,  education is reaping what they have sown on the streets of every major town and city, a very stark reality indeed because of the intellectuals. They are responsible for the co-creation because not all children are academic in their nature of expressing their creator energy. 

Education is now forced to bring back and expand creativity, music and sports in schools. Children require more than exercise for their brains, they have to be able to express themselves in ways that are right for them. Intelligence comes from the heart not the head, now proven by science. 

I was once brought an eight year old child that was burning down phone boxes, he was a Gemini and clearly bored. I was the last resort because he was on his way to a detention centre if we could not help him. 

I gained his confidence and trust by connecting with his heart, exalting him as an equal. All the other health professionals had failed to reach him, he had experienced plenty of them treating him as an inferior being. The health professionals academically trained to work with the children, had put him on RITALIN. 

We gave him a flower essence remedy to help him and his mother told me he had drunk it down in one go. I asked him why he did that, he said 'I don't want to take Ritalin, I want to be a good boy'. 

I asked him what we could do for him. He then told me what he would like to do, football and swimming. I also asked him if he would like to learn Judo or Karate and he said YES, Karate. 

The child had so much energy like Gemini's do, and basically he hadn't been shown the right way to express that energy, in a way that was good for him and his nature. So the energy was then turning back on itself co-creating detrimental situations for himself and his family. God bless the child and his family that were helped to resolve many issues that they did not understand at that time. 

So I do recommend martial arts in schools for the children. 

May the good will of God be done.


1 comment:

Eliakim said...


A poster said "The best fight is the one you avoid."

We responded:

Indeed, retreat is not defeat. As we know, its important to use our energy wisely and put our energy into the arena worthy of our energy, skills and depth of experience.

Also when children learn about ENERGY they are more aligned with the source of all. This helps and enables them to also choose right relationship with self and others, relationships based upon the harmonic resonance of the energy instead of power, money or status that usually ends in divorce.

In my experience those in tune with their own energy also avoid relationships that are unhealthy for them, even if it means spending some time alone. Young ones that are aligned energetically, stay away from relationships that they know are not good for them. In this way, they also avoid heartbreak and unplanned pregnancies because their self-esteem is where it was divinely meant to be.