Sunday 21 November 2010

The Sanctuary -v- Litter World

My brother, the Son of God, the Christ came close to me this morning when I woke up. He was his usual gentle self with me and he came to offer his help and wisdom, on how to deal with the accusers that come to this blog.

He asked me to ask the accusers and adversaries 'Would you drop your litter in the sanctuary of God? Why then do you drop your litter here on this blog? 

That is a wonderful analogy for the litter droppers and also for the cyber bullies.

So please remember that this blog is not a litter box for the cats, it is a holy sanctuary blessed by God and his Son who compelled its original creation in December 2008.

In fact, cats were never meant to live in the homes of the people due to the energetic disease that they carry. Children have also observed less good ways from cats, and children learn from that which they observe when growing up. They tend to imitate their pets, just like men and women imitate their dogs.

There is a great little book by Claire Staples called 'Everything I know about men, I learnt from my Dog".

So when I was a child what did I learn from my dog? He was a standard black poodle with curly hair and I loved it when my mother allowed him to be like an old English sheepdog. He loved to listen to me whisper in his ear, I remember picking up his ear and speaking softly into it. He would always listen because he was my best friend.

However, he was determined to keep on rushing out of the door and every time he got out, he got run over by a car. So in the end we had to give scamp away to a good home. A place where he would be safe in the country. At the same time, my parents took me to the hairdressers and they cut off my hair without my permission or consultation, that was the final straw, does it remind you of the story of Samson?

In adulthood, we rescued a wonderful Old English sheepdog from a local rescue home, we lived in a country town as we do now.  She was the quietest and most peaceful one of the choice. When we brought her home I cut off her matted hair, underneath it was clear that she had not been treated right, she had suffered a great deal silently. She came from a family with six children that could not afford to feed the family, let alone the dog. She had been starved of what was essential for her until she was brought to us.

One day, an actor from the local theatre came and knocked on my door. He asked me for permission to observe our lovely gentle dog called 'DUSTY'. The young actor had the part of being the dog in the show production of "Peter Pan' for Christmas.

I asked him how he knew about our dog. He told me that Dusty had been going for walkabouts around the town in the night when we were asleep. The actor had followed her home and so he knew where she lived. I had no idea this was going on, because she managed to open and close the door when she came home. This was a very intelligent and wise dog.

When we moved to the other side of the road, she was not so close to the centre of town that she loved, the town that she had made her own. Due to the renovation of the house the builders left the door open and she got out. She walked looking for her best places that she liked, then she got lost and could not find her way home. She was missing for days and I was very concerned for her.

Then I received a phone call from a lovely lady that had found her, she said her feet were bleeding due to walking. So I then went to collect her and was so happy that she was alive.

I then thought it best that we let her stay with friends while the builders were doing their work. Well she stayed there for weeks, she was so happy with the new family and their other dogs, that we decided it was best for her happiness for her to stay there. That is true unconditional love, when you can put the happiness of a pet before your own.

Before Dusty left, we also purchased a puppy for the nanny as a gift that she asked for. However, he was so violent in his nature, we had no choice but to have him put down. He was tiny in statue compared with Dusty,  but he was not afraid of anyone. He would take on cars in the middle of the road completely dauntless. However, due to his aggression it was not safe to keep him close to a child.

Then after Dusty had gone, my son was getting to the age when he was asking for a dog. So we then got a cross-breed from a rescue home that looked like dusty, although his hair was black and he was much smaller. We loved him deeply, he was so pretty, affectionate and so much fun. However, he tore our home apart continually, this dog could not be left alone at all. So we had to give him back, so that a new home on a farm could be found for him, a place where he would be happy.

We never had another dog after that, it is best to keep the good memories.

Litter World 

Thank you brother.


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