Friday 12 November 2010


After we made the last post 'FALSE APOSTLES' USA,  I took a shower and I was blessing the water, then when I turned around, Abba gave me a very large vision of DARTH VADER and he was looking straight on at me.

I asked our heavenly Father why are you showing me this vision and what does it mean?

Abba said 'YOU ARE TAKING ON DARTH VADER" we have to talk to them in terms that they understand. Then I smiled because I understood his meaning.

Now "Darth Vader' means Dark Father and I am sure you remember what the Christ said to some of the people about their Father not being the same as Abba. What he was actually telling them was that they were coming from what their earthly Fathers had taught them, instead of what our heavenly Father teaches us. Hence, why there is so much materialism in the USA, and why they are so attached to earthly realities.

Then I saw a vision of a large black circle with a small white circle within it. It looked like an old fashioned record but I could not see any grooves. The kind of records that you see amongst the collections that people purchased during the war and afterwards. The large vinyl records used to have brown paper covers. Some of you may remember that in those days they were called '78's. The one above (wikipedia) is from 1908, Germany. If you check out the link you will also get some earlier dates related to the USA. [1]


Then there were was a vision of two planets that looked like suns. The large one on my left went completely black and it changed into a square shape.

The small sun in front of me to the right changed into a flower,  it looked like a combination of an orchid and a lotus flower. Then it changed into the HAMSA that is symbolic of the hand of God.

The HAMSA then turned into the FLEUR DE LIS and there have been many visions given of it. The fleur de lis is also called a LILY and in Elizabethan times it was symbolic of the IRIS. Nostradamus wrote about how the IRIS would not be seen for 40 years, then she could be seen for 40 years everyday. He also called it the 'AGE OF IRIS' and Nostradamus used the flower essence for healing depression, I have also worked with people who have suffered from depression in the past in a healing capacity. So Nostradamus was giving a prophecy criterion that relates to the flower power era in my humble view.

This song is called Fleur De Lis and it is about Saint Joan of Arc that was burned at the stake. My mother LILY was also French from her Father's side and she died in 2005. So this could be a timing link. Also it was in 2008, that Michael M Mauldin and I was discussing the witch hunts by the orthodox Christians on an American forum. You may also remember that the day after Michael died, (26.6.2010) Abba said 'The Dark Lords are descending'.

As we know G20 is also going on at the moment so keep an eye on what the French premier says and Obama.

The fleur de lis then turned into a golden four pointed star. This star is also symbolic of the 'Star of Bethlehem.' There is a also a flower essence called the 'Star of Bethlehem' and it is used in rescue remedies when people have experienced a shock. Sun Essences state that it known as a comforter and soother of pains and sorrows. [2] I was also sent to Bethlehem in the Galilee in Northern Israel in May 2006, so another timing link.

After that there was another vision of the batman logo and the logo was gold and moving. I have been shown this gold logo in the past posted on this blog. After I returned from Australia (2000) during a healing training course (2001) I was told that Batman would come. As we know Bats come out at night and the nearest person that I have experienced to Batman was my beloved friend Michael. Michael also stood against orthodox Christianity for the same reasons that we have shared in the last two posts.

Then I saw the gold batman logo turn into a golden eagle and the eagle was completely gold.

As we know both Darth Vader and Batman are both from American movies so I do feel that these visions are related to the work with the USA.



1 comment:

Eliakim said...

Now we have the bats in the batman province of Turkey. 1,000 protestors fighting police. Looks like Obama is at it again.

20 March 2012 10:49

Eliakim said...
More Batman, now we have a police officer in Brazil dressed up as Batman when communicating with the children. Report by Breitbart Media.

20 March 2012 20:20

Today, there was a report of a rectangular galaxy.