Saturday 27 November 2010

Religionists scared of mysticism?

When I was in Israel in 2007, I was sitting in INDEPENDENCE PARK waiting for the children and my host. While I was there a young Jewish man came and sat by my side. He was on his lunch break. We got chatting, I asked him if he was interested in kabbalah and he certainly wasn't, he made it clear that he was scared of it. 

Spiritual Israeli's told me the same in 2006, that people are scared of Kabbalah and mysticism. 

I came to the conclusion that if religionists really understood the nature of the sacred union with God they would leave religions in droves. 

Ask yourselves are you part of the problem or part of the solution? 

If you think Islam is the solution like Muslims do then you are part of the problem. 

If you don't think Islam is the solution to the worlds ills then you are part of the solution. 

Muslims are like other religionists they seek a relationship with God. 

However, everyone forgot to tell them that sacred union is not found in the Qu'ran, Bible or Torah. 

The sacred union with the divine is the nature of a true mystic and we are the complete opposite to orthodox religionists. 

People are always scared of that which they do not understand. That's another reason why the true followers of Christ were called heretics and murdered. The Church did not understand them and the reality that they received revelation everyday. 

I was on a Christian blog the other day and they were talking about how mediums call up the dead. Goodness gracious me, they don't have any comprehension about what a professional medium does or how it happens. Nor do they have any idea how much training Christian Spiritualists encounter before they're let loose to work with the general public. Nor are they are aware that Christian Spiritualists work with the Christ and under his protection to help the bereaved deal with their loss. Their job is to prove life after death and to give people hope, to ensure that the light of hope does not go out. They also get involved in charitable works and in most cases are incredibly humble that their spiritual gifts have been developed. 

I will admit that there are good and less good in all professions and I have had the job of vetting some spiritualists in the past. 

Ultimately, experience counts and experience of the sacred union of the divine is the best experience of all. Nobody can take the experience of the divine away from you but God certainly takes people away from religion when they are ready to move beyond it. 

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