Wednesday 17 February 2010

USA Visions and Dreams

On the 28th of January I received the vision of a person's avatar moving and on the 29th we delivered the vision to the person concerned. Today, I came across a vision on the blog called 'The Lion, the Star and the Alien" and it had been received a month earlier on the 28th of December. 

Then yesterday I received the vision of Mickey Mouse e.g Florida and the person lives in Florida. Another person also had a dream about the USA on the 23rd of December and the hollow bamboo, we posted their dream and information on this blog as well at the time it was received. [1]

In Gematria Florida = 170,  hollow is also 170 as is God knows.

I receive so many visions and messages from God that I rarely link up all the dots. However, it has been shown to me today to do so.

"Dear Trinity, as I mentioned on the other thread in the last ten days I have received two visions of your avatar moving. It is 20.22pm here as i write this.

While bathing I was shown another vision of your avatar and it was coming from the left. In spirituality the left is the side of the soul when something comes in from the left. Then right in front of me was a small ET, then you came from above and you swooped down and swallowed the ET.

Now people are going to ask me what does it mean? Well it felt very positive. Now you are going to ask me who is the ET? Trinity knows. 

The date 2022 is also interesting that is four years before my work with God is finished."

I have just looked up the gematria of 2022 and it is the sum of "Soldier" and "Save". [2]

22 is a Master number of the divine feminine. We moved into Master 22 energies on the 22nd May 2004. There are also 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet and 22 cards in the major arcane. 

Yesterday, after watching the 'Swan Lake" video below I wrote "The curse was created by man and only man can break it with his eternal love, now I cry. "

There is an ancient prophecy about the USA e.g. the House of Esau. Even the twin towers are mentioned in the bible. Everything that has happened to the USA is part of the ancient biblical prophecies.

Can America be delivered from their situation? 

"Our father Jacob foresaw that the seed of Esau would only be delivered into the hand of seed of Joseph, as it is said, "The House of Jacob shall be a fire (Israel), and the house of Joseph a flame, (England) and the House of Esau (America) for stubble, and they shall burn among them and devour them". (Obad. 18') (B.B.123b)."

As the Christ said in December 2008 '
The Time is Nigh!' 

Interesting story Swan Lake, its link to the USA and the prophecy. 

Its time for people to understand the Spiritual Law and what happens when people transgress it. The law of attraction can be fatal and it is time that the children of the world understand it. It is humanity itself that is causing the pain and poverty.

Its time to break the never ending cycles with the healing solutions to do so.

The Essenes knew it would take humanity 2,000 years to get to this point of evolution. However, as we witness on a daily basis how many people are really ready to make a breakthrough willingly and heal the self? How many are ready to do the will of God?

As God said "
It is not a one way street" 

God's vision yesterday of Mickey Mouse e.g. Disneyland said it all. Its the analogy of those that seek happiness outside of themselves. Unfortunately, Mickey Mouse is not a healer that has the solutions for the healing of humanity and nor does Disneyland. 

However, the vision of the Lion, Star, Alien combined with the Trinity avatar with the positive message could signify that they must work together. It will be interesting to watch events unfold.

You may remember that last year we told you that there is a fork in the road. 

May God's will be done


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