Thursday 4 August 2011


The unlawful are lawless with those that they perceive to be weaker than themselves. Hence, why the corporations take advantage of others who do not understand the law of creation, and the spiritual law.

An example of that is how the immigrants to the lands of the Indians (USA) oppressed them into signing agreements that the Americans had no intention of keeping.

What does that remind you of? Does it remind you of the people that sign financial agreements without reading the small print? Why do they not read the small print? It would take a lawyer to understand most of it, the people are on the spot, there is a time limit. They trust that people keep their word and the corporations are honest.

However, what did people encounter?

Governments that did not fulfill the manifestoes that they were elected for. Financial institutions that changed the rules and goal posts without any agreement or consent from the people.

As such, they are unlawful in the true sense of the word.

If you go to work and a person does not pay you your wages, then they are unlawful. If a person offers an energy exchange for services rendered, and they do not comply to what was agreed, they are indeed unlawful.

This isn't just about financial institutions and celebrity presidents, its about the people themselves.

If the people do not live in integrity of the being, then they are unlawful. That then co-creates leaders that are unlawful both in industry, the public sector and the third sector of the NGO's.

If people do not understand the spiritual law of creation how can they be truly lawful? They can't. What does that make the corporations and the governments that serve them? Unlawful.


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