Tuesday 9 August 2011

Biblewheel Crop Circle

Location TEMPLE FARM, at Mr ROCKLEY, Wiltshire. Another stunning crop circle this season. It reminds me of the wheel of karma, the moral compass and the ships wheel. There are 12 spokes to the wheel and that also relates to the website called 'Biblewheel'. Nice play words there with bible WILL. 

The 12th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the LAMED and in the ancient pictographs is the shepherds staff that defends the tender hearted from the predators. The bible also mentions the twelve tribes, twelve stone pillars, twelve stones, twelve loaves of bread. Twelve silver plates, twelve sprinkling bowls, twelve gold dishes, twelve leaders,. Then you have twelve of the animals, Oxen, bulls, lambs, rams, goats and lions. 

Twelve staffs and Ester had to have 12 months of beauty treatments with aromatherapy oils. Twelve Apostles. Twelve baskets, twelve thrones. 

Twelve months of the year. If we look back 12 months that takes us to August 2010 and the choice that everyone had to make. They had the choice of violence or enlightenment and we all know what they chose. The LORD God already knew that they would not choose the one that he sent to help them, they chose Obama and Islam instead. Now humanity pay the price for the choices that they made. This crop circle was also reported on the 7th of August and that is also the 'Day of Double Agent', and the LORD God said that Obama was a double agent. Only those with the eyes to see can understand the full impact of that and what as happened to the world since his election. 

The NT also mentions the 12 legions of Angels and that the Angels will be the harvesters at the end of the age. “Are there not twelve hours of daylight? Anyone who walks in the daytime will not stumble, for they see by this world’s light." John 11:9 

Twelve stars on her head. Rev 12. The stars are to do with sainthood. Then we have the new holy city of enlightenment mentioned by Prophet Isaiah, it is mentioned again in the book of Revelation. Twelve gates, twelve angels at the gates, twelve foundations, twelve apostles of the lamb. The twelve gates were made of twelve pearls and pearls are to do with wisdom gained from life experience. 

Twelve crops of fruit from the tree of life and the leaves are for healing the nations. 

The location is the TEMPLE Farm and Mr Rockly, it does remind me of Robin of LOXLEY. Obama led the world to believe that he was going to take from the rich and give it to the poor. When in fact the opposite was the case. He didn't redistribute any wealth in his own country, he took the money from Peter to pay Paul. The never ending debt syndrome of the banking corporations and their pay masters. 

Heavy karma Obama, heavy karma. Rev 13, tells the people that whoever supported Obama are not written in the lambs book of life. 

After the first round of 12, that can also apply to the 12 astrological signs, we then have another 12 = 24. 

24 is to do with the 24 spiritual elders that surround the throne. Then we have another 12 on the inner wheel and that gives us 36, the TZADIKIM, the righteous soul. Plus the circle of 12 white stones that gives us 48. In the scriptures it is written that I would be 48 years old when the LORD God would summon me and that text was not revealed to me until 2007. Up to that point I had been sworn to secrecy not to tell anyone who I was. 

We then have the two outer circles with the soferim of 50, the number of the Jubilee and that is to do with communication and publishing. This is not the first time that we have been given the spinning wheel this season. 

So you can understand that what the nations are experiencing is karmic due to the choices that they made. The ships wheel is also to do with the mother ship, and people have asked where is the mother ship? Are you ready to return? Are you ready to build it? 50 is also the number of cents, pounds and euros, 50 divides by ten decimal points and it applies to currency. 

Ten is a karmic number in the spiritual law of the NT. Hence why the governments are getting  50 times their portion of the spiritual law swinging in their direction. 

For not heeding the word of the LORD God, his will and divine plan. How much did these riots cost you all? 50 million? 500 million? Sure you will find the money to fund the police force and the rest. To fund the wars in the Middle East, and yet, you cannot find the money to help the poor. 

The difference between the earthly governments and the governor ELIAKIM, is that I stand with the LORD God, and he defends the poor at the detriment of those that do them harm. So hear this, the more hardline the governments are with the people, the more hardline the spiritual law will come back at you. It is the law of attraction of cause and effect, the cost of karma in thought, word and deed. The more tough you are to the people, the more tough the LORD God will get with you. 

This is for the glory of the LORD God, not political parties or any religion. You will all yield to the will of the LORD God and the divine plan, governments will be begging for forgiveness before he is finished. 


Messiah Joseph is here 


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