Tuesday 2 August 2011

Spiritual Law Contempt

In the last post the LORD spoke about Americans being contemptible and I am pondering on what the root cause of 'Contempt' could be. The root cause will differ with different people although there is always a commonality between root causes of core issues. Contempt would be the core issue not the root cause.

People try to say that everyone are the same. However, we have told people in the past, everyone is unique and every nation as its unique features and function. Biblically speaking 'contempt' is to do with service and it is related to another core issue of 'guilt', this would indicate that the root cause is to do with religion and God, in either this life time or a previous one.

It can relate to the people that did not stay true until the end, or did not follow instructions as given. In other words, they refused the will of the LORD God, and in so doing transgressed the spiritual law of their own being. Refusal can also relate to materialism, attachment and hedonism e.g. free will that as led humanity to nuclear reactors, drugs, pollution, GM crops and oppression of the poor.


In the book of numbers the LORD said to Moses, "How long will these people treat me with contempt? How long will they refuse to believe in me, in spite of all the signs I have performed among them?". This would also indicate that it is also to do with authority and authority figures.

In my experience, people that have an issue with authority or authority figures, usually have issues to do with parents that have been unresolved and healed. In the case studies that I have reviewed,  it as been the result of strong mothers or mothers that oppressed their children. Hence, why they trigger. Although in some cases it was to do with the Father figure. So we can understand that the core issue of 'contempt' requires 'inner child' healing. Hence, why the Son of God taught the people that they could not enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless they became like a child.

Biblically speaking, contempt is one of the biggest transgressions of the spiritual law, of course it is the complete opposite to love and loving the LORD God with all of your heart. Contempt being related to guilt means that it is a poison to the immune system, so it does have a tremendous impact on the health of the people and the consciousness of their nation. Contempt is a violation of the being, of the person that is contemptible, because it is an energetic pollutant. Like unforgiveness, the person that it harms the most is the person themselves.

In the book of Samuel the men treat the LORD's offering with contempt and that contempt is then brought down upon their own heads. In other words it is a never ending cycle. It is more than likely, that some American children have also grown up in homes where parents also lived in contempt for the same reasons as listed above. Although the root causes can differ in a sense, that the life conditions of the child and its experiences differ.

The fact that it comes down upon their own heads, would also indicate disease related to the head e.g. strokes, tumors, etc. However, I would have to do further research on that. Strokes are certainly to do with fixed mindsets metaphyiscally. Hence, why it is imperative that people become fluid because people cannot stop the tide, and change is the only constant.

The book of Job speaks on it in terms of having a contempt for 'misfortune' and 'fate' and that is to do with a lack of acceptance and understanding of the root causes of the core issues. Those that truly love, have acceptance and understanding of the workings of manifestation, and how it relates to the spiritual law. They find the silver lining in every dark cloud, they seek within to heal themselves and their nations. Negative life conditions are usually the result of actions, that can be a powerful catalyst for positive change, if and when people can view co-creation with love, kindness and understanding.

Being kind to the self and others in the last days of the end times, is imperative for the survival of the peoples. Humanity will simply not survive without compassionate action. Hence, why it is the time of the great purification.


Also in Job, some people remained silent due to not wishing to arouse the contempt of others. They were afraid of their own people and what they held within them. They had not become dauntless due to the lack of self love and courage to go the extra mile in the ascension process. Only strong spirits of truth and integrity can truly withstand the contempt of others, and still stay in their hearts of peace.

As the Son of God said in 2007, 'Those that remain silent are compliant to the suffering in the world'. In America that suffering is being co-created by contempt that is held within its own people.


People also tend to flee from the cure, that is part of the ascension process, that does not come to be without the implementation of healing the triggers. People also tend to flee what they fear, that is usually due to their own perceptions of reality based upon their own belief systems. When people heal themselves, they then remove their perceptions that are an illusion that have no basis in reality.

In the Dead Sea Scrolls, Prophet Isaiah knew that only one person in every 1,000 would not flee from Messiah Joseph.  Isaiah like all of the other true prophets experienced the contempt of others and their lack of integrity. It goes with the job, because the LORD only sends a person when humanity seriously require it and its corrections.

However, he does not waste the time of his blessed ones, if the people refuse to return and implement what is being asked of them, then he allows them to destroy themselves and their nations. Hence, why the Jewish people were exiled so many times.


In the Psalms the people that live in 'contempt', receive it back seven times and seven is a karmic number that can also relate to seven years. Seven x 4 = 28 years. 28 is also the number of the lamb. That is a long time if people refuse to seek within and heal it. 'Healing is the path to salvation and love is the way' [1] Seven is also to do with forgiveness in the NT, and that relates to the 'inner child' and the heart. Without true forgiveness, the heart cannot open to the truth. 'The depth of your forgiveness determines the depth of your love'. [2]

The Psalms also mentions a 'trackless waste' in relation to those that live in contempt. That means that they have not found the spiritual path that can lead to holiness, and the LORD God that brings forth a healthy consciousness. Healthy consciousness co-creates healthy nations. That confirms what the Son of God said, 'The USA is a lost soul'. Lost soul is a shamanic term, and it is to do with fragmentation of the people. Again, it usually relates to their childhoods and lifestyle.

Those that grow up with violence in thought, word or deed. Often become the same, because children learn what they live, they learn from observation. It is only when people are willing to seek within that they begin to understand themselves, why they do what they do, why they speak the way they do, and why the repeating patterns have manifested due to their early and formative years.

Psalm 123, also speaks of the contempt of the proud and America as certainly been a proud nation. As we warned them in the past, pride comes before a fall. Its hard to understand how a Christian nation became so full of pride. However, the Son of God did say that their Christian beliefs give them a false sense of security. The bible also tells them that everything that they think they have will be taken from them. Security is to do with comfort zones, comfort zones that are being stripped away in this timeline.

When comfort zones are stripped away, it can bring up unresolved anger and that can also trigger contempt. The people are truly revealed to themselves, when they're left to face what lays underneath the masks and hats that they chosen to wear. Religion can also be a comfort zone. Hence, why people seek the comfort of a religion and its structures. However, one can be in a sacred union with the divine, without any attachment to any religion and its doctrines.


The proverbs also speak of it in terms of the 'oppressors'. 'Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their maker'. Likewise, the oppressors also have 'inner child' issues to resolve. Without healing there is no ascension.

Proverb 18, indicates that contempt follows wickedness. In biblical times, the wicked were those that did not live in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law of creation. It related to those that did not live in harmony with the land.

"When wickedness comes, so does contempt, and with shame comes reproach'. Shame can be toxic to the body and John Bradshaw (USA) wrote a book called 'Toxic Shame'.


Prophet Daniel, chapter 12 also spoke about this timeline when the multitudes that sleep in the dust of the earth would awake, some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. In Hosea 12, it mentions Ephraim and most people agree that Ephraim is symbolic of the Christians. It states 'But Ephraim has aroused his bitter anger; his Lord will leave on him the guilt of his bloodshed and will repay him for his contempt." There can be no dispute, that the USA as been responsible for a huge amount of bloodshed since its creation. 

Malachi 1 also mentions the contempt of the people, and how they have contempt for what the LORD God offers them in his kindness to help them. The land of ESAU of America, the wasteland, is then left to the desert jackals. It speaks of how they broke the covenant, how they did not give honor or respect to the LORD Almighty, as such destruction is the result. 

The prophecy also mentions the governor and ELIAKIM is the governor. The LORD God tells the people that he will not accept blemished animals. In other words he will not accept those that have not purified themselves and done right by him. It says 'Try offering them to your governor'. 

Why does the prophecy tell the people to offer their blemished animals to the governor? The Malachi prophecies tell you that the sun of righteousness is a spiritual alchemist that purifies and refines the people. 

As we told the Israeli's this is the time of the people getting their priorities right with the LORD God. 

Healing beyond measure 

Yours truly 


1, 2, Divine quotes from 'Sacred Words' published in 2005 by yours truly. 

Also let it be known that 'All rights are reserved' and that it is important that those rights are observed. 
Otherwise, the people transgress the spiritual law. It is truly time for people to live in integrity, and honor the source or face the consequences of your actions. 

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