Monday 15 August 2011

Big Ben Update

Today, when I woke up the LORD God said 'The King is not allowing'. Then he showed me a vision of an historic building completely in flames. It is an historic time, and the old power structures will be set on fire. The building that I saw in flames felt like a government building. It was completely alight. I understood the message that the LORD God is not going to allow the governments to do what they have done throughout history.

A journalist from 'The Guardian' wrote an excellent article about recent events and how the whole situation erupted at the same time that murdoch and the police had been shown to be involved in what he termed 'political criminality' with the phone hacking and the police bribes. Both a government and police force that is corrupt from the top down.

Then the people wonder why there is violence on the streets amongst the youth of this generation. When I was growing up 50 years ago, 'bullying' on the streets of London was restricted to fists. However, as the police became more hardline, so did the streets in my humble view. Was violence and bullying ever removed from the streets? No, because the police and governments simply did not have the solutions for the root causes of the core issues and they still don't. The police force met force with force, an eye for an eye. So the streets kids in the inner cities, just got stronger, harder, simply to survive in the harsh realities they found themselves. That as resulted in police that the LORD God showed to me as  'Darth Vader'.

When governments are violent and make wars against over nations whether that is with its war machine of the military, or with economic jihad, it co-creates cause and effect. Until the time comes when that spiral is a spiral into the pit of destruction. Just like Iraq was destroyed by Western nations and bombed to the ground. The people with a heart of conscience, have not forgotten the Gulf war, Iraq and 9/11. Million man marches that Tony Blair simply ignored. Successive governments that have simply ignored the minds and hearts of the people.

Cameron said that what as happened is 'sick', it certainly is.  People like him willingly co-created it, to take the spot light off of the political criminality that as been going on throughout history.

What kindness, compassion, love and mercy did the governments truly show to the people? Simply put, none. Labour thought they could introduce over 100 stealth taxes and get away with it, they also thought that they could spend £4 for every £3 received in tax, sell the nations gold, bankrupt the country. Who is paying the price for government incompetence? The people.

It is the same in the nations all over the world, so what is your response? Is your response to change yourselves? There is even an 'anti-bully' internet campaign running and it was blatantly obvious that the truth movement on the whole did not support the campaign. When they could have added extra weight to it, by putting their weight behind it globally.

Humanity have allowed bullying to go on at all levels of society, from the top to the bottom and it as been rife on the internet. Yes, this is the age of the nonconformist. However, the Aquarian is also disciplined in their approach to life. They do not support anarchy, they do support progressive emotive social evolution, that is in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law of creation and the divine plan.

The true humanitarian supports those that are also humanitarian. However, many of those that claim to be humanitarian have come out against the youth of today, without truly understanding the situation and its root causes. The Aquarian Age is the age of the humanitarian, it is one where the heart leads from the seat of mercy for all people, cultures and nations.

The 20th century was born in judgement of war torn nations, the 21st century was born in wisdom, it is only wisdom that can lead humanity out of the mess that governments and their puppet masters have co-created. It is only wisdom that as the lever to get humanity out of the mire it finds itself in.

It was shown to me that the unions and the students think that a Labour government can put things right. Well, it was the Labour government and the unions that helped to co-create the situation that humanity now find itself in. The political correctness of a multi-cultural society that as co-created a nation alienated from itself, its roots, history and true values. That was also evident when I was in Greece, even amongst the academics.

Academic education is not the solution either, because there simply is not enough paid jobs for everyone and nor will there ever be. Hence, why the policies of the governments are a farce and unsustainable, economically and in every other way.

There is a better way, natural, ecological, self-sustainable, but until people are prepared to listen and do the will of the LORD God, humanity will continue in its same old never ending cycles. Humanity were given the choice of violence or enlightenment, and due to the people being attached to their own belief systems, they chose violence instead. Just like the people saved a murderer from the gallows, instead of Christ when they were given the choice.

What if the people had united and demanded no violence at all?

What if they hadn't made their main focus materialism, money and the bankers?

Could the truth movement have reached more hearts? Could they have helped to further raise the vibration of love and mercy on the planet?

What if everyone had done as I had done, and shown people that their own thoughts, words and deeds were co-creating the violence on this planet?

IMHV, when the people are truly willing to heal themselves, then they will demand that political leaders and the police force do as well.

In Southern California, HOPE RANCH is smoking. Do you remember that we saw the smoking column? Understand. Apparently, it did the same five years ago. That was 2006, the year of the Lebanon -v- Israeli war. Its smoking again now, there is war in the UK against the poor.

On the 24th of February, 2011. We wrote about the STARGATE CELLS and included a vision of an obelisk and Big Ben.

I was also shown an obelisk that was being smashed, and then the clock of Big Ben at the side of it. Big Ben wasn't being smashed only the obelisk. There is an obelisk on the Thames in London called 'CLEOPATRA'S NEEDLE' and this is the one that I saw being smashed. It was presented to the UK in 1819, by the ruler of Egypt and Sudan, his name was Muhammad Ali. This was the first sign of Islam's intention to take over the UK. A sign that would put the captivity of Egypt on the map of England.[1]

So what do we have on BIG BEN? What is Ben in Hebrew? SON. In other words BIG SON. Ben is also short for Benjamin and in Hebrew it means 'Son of my right hand'. 

The clock at Big Ben is also the focus of New year celebrations and it is at the end of the "Palace of Westminister'. That's right, the Houses of Parliament is a Palace. The Big Ben TOWER was built as part of a new palace, because the previous one had been burnt in a fire on the 16th of October, 1834. The 16th of October is the 'DAY OF ESSENTIAL JUDGEMENT'. 


Witnessed by the famous landscape artist John Turner. 

The mathematician, Tobias Dantzig, in his book Number: The Language of Science, remarked on how a counting-device had brought about the destruction of both Houses of Parliament, and he quotes from a speech given by the English novelist and advocate of social reform, Charles Dickens in 1855. 

One could say it was a natural event and divine providence that parliament burned, an essential  judgement from the LORD God. As we know the author Charles Dickens wrote many books about the poor and their plight. Big smiles at how a counting device had brought about the destruction of the Houses of Parliament, and the bible called for WISDOM to do the count. 

While some saw the burning of the building as a national tragedy, it also became a source for poets, jokes, songs and  plays. It inspired the creatives and gave them a huge amount of source material to work with. So now watch them work with it. 




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