Thursday 4 August 2011

Walls in the WORLD

There are many walls in the world. However, you only hear people speak about one, and that is the one in Israel. Is a wall that defends its people from the violence of others a wall that is worthy of the people? Yes. Is a wall that defends women and children worthy of those women and children? Yes.

Everything in life as a cost and when people transgress the spiritual law of creation, walls are necessary to defend the tender hearted from those that refuse to do the will of the LORD God.

Those that do not live in harmony with the spiritual law of creation, and the will of the LORD God create violence in thought, word and deed. As such, the cause and effect of the spiritual law is that they bring the same violence upon themselves.

Is the Father of children a wall of protection for them and his wife? If he is a good husband and Father then he is a wall of protection for those that are weaker than him physically. It is the same with the LORD God, he will defend always until such time as defence is no longer required, because the people can defend themselves with their amour of divine love and light.

As he said 'Those that do not give others the right to exist, do not have the right to exist either, the cosmos is not a one way street'. 'Be responsible, be jade, be a royal gem for HaShem'.

Israel is subject to the spiritual law just like everyone else and the LORD God loves ZION, more than Israel. The land is not only vulnerable to the transgressions of men, it is vulnerable to the will of the LORD God and what is happening environmentally. The LORD God is judge of Israel and his will be done. He sent Messiah Joseph to speak with them and to give them healing. When the biblical prophecy was fulfilled to plant me in valley of Jezreel, they asked how we felt about their holy land, we told them that I have been to many lands that are holy and sacred.

However, the bible warned the people not to pollute the land of Israel with bloodshed, and Micah 2 tells them that the land is ruined due to it. Bloodshed that was created by the Arabs and Iranians because they did not honor the international treaty's, like the Americans did not honor theirs. When people do not honor the agreements, the bible tells you that those people are in contempt of the law, they are the oppressors. Contemptible, and the LORD God said that they are no different to rent boys.

The spiritual law is coming back upon the Arabs and its religion for what it as done to my people that were innocent of their political intentions to destroy them and their cultures. Those that seek to destroy others, ultimately destroy themselves. It is the nature of creation and the spiritual law of the cosmos, that you reap what you have sown.

No man shall inflict their inherited religious belief systems upon the children, without consequences. Every one pays the price for not heeding the words of the LORD God, and that includes Israel.


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