Friday, 31 July 2009


"And behold! He cometh with ten thousands of His holy ones To execute judgement upon all, And to destroy all the ungodly: And to convict all flesh Of all the works of their ungodliness which they have ungodly committed, And of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him." (Enoch 1:9)

The flesh of the works also ties up with the recent crop circle when the flesh of the fish had been taken off the bones. In the bible flesh is also symbolic of the earthly world.

Taking the flesh off of the bones is an analogy about belief systems and it also confirms what Abba said to Israel when he gave the instruction that people must put the records straight with him.

It also links in with the parable of the net when Jesus tells the apostles that in the end of the age we will throw away the bad fish and only keep the good fish from heaven. He also goes on to say that those of us that have been instructed directly about the Kingdom of Heaven will share old treasures as well as new.


Make sure you have real fish and not a metal one.....

Glory be to Abba and his Son.

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