Wednesday 25 November 2009

Book of Life

In the last couple of years people have asked me about the book of life and I have always felt that every individual has their own book of life related to the current lifetime. However, today God gave me a wonderful vision of a book.

It looked like a large scroll made of parchment and it was shaped at the corners, it had a wooden pole at the back of it. At the top of the wooden pole was a beautiful gold orb with what looked like a golden crown upon it. I couldn't see the writing, it was open in the middle and it looked like a leather book mark in the middle of the parchment.

Then I was shown a vision of a beautiful open window like one would see in a French chateau, outside of the window was a pure blue sky. It felt like a window of opportunity had opened.

I then asked Abba what is this book Father? He replied simply 'It is my Book of Life'.

So what is the book of life? It is the book in which God records the names and lives of the righteous. In the book of Ezekiel the prophet mentions a righteous person who had a writing kit at his side and he does the will of God. In the book of Hebrews it talks about God and his acceptance of his Sons the firstborn. It mentions the divine discipline that we have received and how it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained directly by the divine.

Discipline is one of the first things that spiritual people are asked to integrate because without it one does not go very far on the spiritual path home to God.

It further states "Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. You have come to God, the judge of all men, to the spirits of righteous men made perfect."

The book is open and now is the time that the entries of the names are being written. Those that are written in God's book of life will live in New Jerusalem eternally with God. It is time for it to be confirmed to the spiritually elect of God.

A window of opportunity is opening for the truly righteous that have completed their spiritual training and carried out the will of God. Some have asked if the book of life is the akashic records and we can confirm that the akashic records are different to the book of life.

While I was writing the above Abba said "Ten". and "Ten" = YOD = Hand of God. Ten can also represent the ten commandments. Ten; "The tenth shall be holy"; the decimal nature of reality.[/1]

I have asked Abba for confirmation of the first ten names and will update this post when confirmation is received.

Blessings in abundance

Glory be to God

Today is the 25th of November and it is the "Day of Sustained Effort".


Names received in order and date of receipt.

EILEEN KLEIN (25.11.09)
ROBERT RABBIN (26.11.09)
LOTUS FEET aka ELIAKIM (26.11.09)
JEFF CHRISTIE (28.11.09)
STING (5.12.09)


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