Wednesday 25 November 2009

STRONG BOW - Time to go bankers

Front page news in the UK today is that the banks are planning to charge people £2.50 every time you use the atm, you might like to share this great short video with all of your friends.

A Supreme Court judgement has also struck a major blow to the hopes of millions of bank customers to be refunded billions of pounds in bank charges. The court has overturned earlier court rulings that allowed the Office of Fair Trading to investigate the fairness of charges for unauthorised overdrafts. I had a situation last year when I got charged £90 in one week its time for serious change.

Best response share a bank account, close all accounts not required and use cash as much as possible. Sharing a bank account purely for standing orders and direct debits can work if you manage it properly like a business account. If banks are not careful the people will go on the rampage. Good idea to give banks and credit card companies a mouthful in the nicest possible way every time they call you, in every case the people calling you will agree with you. Eventually the banks will get the message if the people refuse to play ball and stop buying their services.

Also tell the people who work for banks that they are money changers and the Creator is not happy with any of them. They soon leave/change their jobs when you tell them that karma is going to catch up with them. If everyone refused to work for a bank what would they do then?

Its time for people to take their power back from the banks.

It is time for justice to be done.

Thank you to the ad agency, the creative team and the brave hearted client; STRONG BOW indeed. The English always did make the best TV commercials and campaigns.

Last year was the year of the Golden Bow and now it is time to fire the arrows.

Bankers you are fired!

This posted at exactly 3.58, 358 = anointed and today is the 'Day of Sustained effort".


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