Saturday 24 April 2010

Hop Farmers Hop

Last night I was shown a vision of a single hop. The female flower cluster Humulus lupulus. Hops are principally an ingredient added to beer and they can also be found in herbal medicine. After I received the vision I watched some films about the hops and in England they are harvested in September. 

Hops grow on vines and they only grow to the right and they grow at an incredible speed. The Vine is also a link with the vine in the bible. "Joseph is a fruitful vine, a fruitful vine near a spring, whose branches climb over a wall. Gen 49:22 I was 48 when the LORD our God first started to talk to me, it was the year that I received the first discourse with God on EGO.  The chapter about Joseph is 49,  I was 49 in 2003 during the Harmonic Concordance when I received the new soul. The verse is also 22 and that is a Master number of the divine feminine. 

Picture courtesy of wikipedia. 

When we were children our parents used to take us to Yalding, Kent where my Father spent a lot of his childhood hop picking with his family, the name of his Father was also Joseph. Parents in London and parts of England would take their children Hop Picking, it took the children out of the cities and gave them a break in nature and fresh air, while the parents had the opportunity to earn a few shillings. Hops have a wonderful smell and Kent is a beautiful county. As children we spent half our time in the countryside of Kent and the other half in London. I would walk for hours in nature just being one with God. It was here that I spent my weekends and school holidays at the riding stables from dawn to dusk. 

Farmers could certainly embrace this idea to help the poor families whose children do not get to take a holiday. There are children in the UK that have grown up in families that have never had the opportunity to work. If farmers provided some temporary accommodation in the months that they required help, this could help the families and the children. It would bring the children back to nature and also show them a different type of work that can be joyful if a person enjoys it. 

We have talked about the Love Union, The European Union and now this is for the Farmer's Union to consider. Farmer's in the UK have a lot of land that they could share to help others that can also help them. There is no requirement for immigrant workers when we have enough people in the UK for fruit picking etc. The Farmers can help the people to return to land and show them how to live on the land again. 

After I received the vision of the Hop, our LORD said '

'Porridge Oats'. 

In England, Porridge Oats are also a link to Scotland and a well 
known brand is 'Scots Porridge Oats'. Scotland is also a link to 
my heritage on my mothers side. 

The juice from Oats are also very good for skin disease and the 
hot juice squeezed from a small muslin bag of oats put upon the 
skin makes the skin feel like silk. 

Oats are healthy for you and humanity, of course, 
they're also an ingredient in beer.

What will you be farming and harvesting this September?


'The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are 
angels'. Math 13:39 

Most Christians never discuss the above statement 
by the Christ about the harvesters. Angels are spiritual 
people who have taught their souls to fly out of earthly 
realities. They are God's flock that have found their 
wings to fly divine in harmonic concordance. 

Glory be to God 


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