Thursday 8 April 2010

Metatron at the throne of God

Following on from the 'Skilled Writer - Flying Scroll' post we mentioned that God also said 'Metatron' today.  In the Angel Oracle he is pictured holding an open book and a feathered quill. The affirmation is 'I AM UNITED WTH THE SOURCE OF ALL GOODNESS, LOVE AND CREATIVITY'.

Metatron is a heavenly scribe who some associate with Archangel Michael and the Prophet Enoch. In some circles he is thought to be the highest of all of the Archangels. He has also been called 'King of Angels', 'Prince of the Divine Face', 'Chief of the Ministering Angels',  'Angel of the Covenant' and the 'Watchman'. Metatron is also identified as a liberating angel and in feminine form as the Shekinah. [1]

Some say that Metatron was also the scribe 'Thoth' in Egyptian mythology. I haven't met Metatron face to face to question him so I cannot confirm what the text books, Jewish sages and scholars claim. However, it is no-coincidence that at the weekend outside my apartment the grass was covered in white feathers. There was also one very large brown/black feather so it certainly could be true that he is the leader and watchman of all of the angels and the works that they are given authority to inspire. All the other angels and Archangels came before him.

Due to the work with our heavenly Father and the fact he has mentioned 'Metatron' for the very first time today, tells me that Metatron is at the throne of God and he is the celestial scribe. This would also make him one of the Elohim.

In sacred geometry we also have Metatron's Cube and there was a crop circle on that last year. [2] Some say that the name Metatron came from Greek, if I receive any further information at this point we will update this post accordingly. However, it is no coincidence that the editor who is working with us; is a Greek American that was born in New York. The connections with Greece following 333 are increasing.

As this is the 'Day of Conscience' I can put my hand on my heart and state that the energy of Metatron is with the writers of conscience; and the legions of love and light will do all that they can to defend you and keep you safe.

Love beyond measure

1. "A Dictionary of Angels' by Gustav Davidson
2.  Metatron's Cube Crop Circle 

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