Tuesday, 23 March 2010

73 We do it all for you

This is the 73rd post in 2010 and in simple gematria 73 is the sum of 'Stone', 'Joseph' 'Sound', 'Herself', 'Living' and 'Union'. In English gematria the same words are the sum of 438.

The stone is also to do with WHITE STONE and white stone is the same gematria value as the words 'God's Holy Name'. 'Great Architect'. 'Glory to God',  'Mashiach Moschiach', 'Secret Code Key.' There is a big story to the white stone and its meaning to Eliakim Joseph-Sophia. In the book of Revelation it talks about the one that is given the White Stone with a name written in it.

Biblewheel also share that the number 73 is also wisdom. Mount Zion and to trust. [2]

73 is also a prime number and the rabbi expounds on wisdom and its palate of selflessness. [3]

In the scriptures the Christ predicted that this mission for God would be completed at the age of 72 and Nostradamus also predicted before I was 73.

For this thread we have chosen a song from '73' from Barry White and it is a song to you from God that he really does love you. Together we do it all for you....

A couple of years ago Abba said "9.73 is what really counts" and nine is completion and divine love.
There is also a lovely play on words with nine and mine.

1. http://www.gematrix.org/?word=+Living+
2. http://www.biblewheel.com/gr/GR_73.asp
3. http://www.inner.org/sefirot/sefchoch.htm


Gematria Scholar said...

Wow! The Gematria of 73 is far-reaching! However, I'm not sure that I understand the connection between these words with their shared Gematria of 73. What is the common theme?

Eliakim said...

Hello Gematria Scholar, the common theme is ELIAKIM JOSEPH-SOPHIA, I am she that was predicted to come.

Moses asked for God's blessing of the prophet that God promised to send to be given to a descendent of Joseph. God kept his promise to the Children of the Promise. My grandfather was Joseph and he was a Dutch Jew.

Glory be to God

Eliakim said...

Our response to you was posted on the 26th. As you know 26 is the gematria value of the name of God.

However, when I asked him what name shall I call him. He asked me to call him Abba.

The comment also posted at 544 and that also brings up some wonderful words.

Open, Grow, Peace, Know, Comfort, Prosper, Ready, Congregation, Drive, Birth, Redeem, Way, Heal, Magnify, Sanctify, Instruct.