Wednesday 24 March 2010

Blackbird and Wren

"Teach them how once again to read from the living pages of the Earthly Mother." Teachings of the Elect, Essene Gospel of Peace.

Today, Blackbird came and he was pecking at the green grass. Black birds keynote is "Understanding of the energies of Mother Nature and his cycle of power is the Summer. Blackbird is a beneficial sign and in Europe they used to be eaten in pies. As a totem Ted Andrews shares with us that when Blackbird comes into our life then we must be open to new surprises and to a new understanding of the forces of nature as they begin to migrate into our lives. 

Then a brown Wren bird came and in medieval Europe the Wren was considered to be the pet bird of the Virgin Mary and was sacred to the gods and goddesses. The male wrens do most of the building of nests and he is bold and resourceful. In comparison with the predator Eagle he is a humble bird like David that overcome Goliath. Wren can sing all of the time and he overflows with confidence, this bird is dauntless. His keynote is Resourcefulness and his cycle of power is Spring. The Wren was also pecking at the grass. I can hear him singing outside as I write this. 

Pecking is also to do with the pecking order of the divine plan and here we had two birds that came one after the other. Wren also reminds me of St Paul's Cathedral and the message that God gave me when he asked me to lead people out of the Church into the sunshine of freedom. Sir Christopher Wren was considered to be England's greatest architect and he was very clever by hiding what he was doing until the building was finished and it was too late to change it. St Paul's Cathedral was built in mathematical proportions compatible with the physics of the cosmos and sacred geometry. 

In many ways God works in the same mysterious way. Most people will not understand the divine plan until it is completed and there will be nothing anyone can do to change it. 

The birds also delivered the message to eat greens. 

In English gematria Blackbird is the same sum as Mashiach, Elohim, Rest, Hearing, Right, Queen and Madonna. [2] 

Wren is the same sum as  Word, Holy, Eliakim, Found, Teacher, Pure, Remain. [3]

Glory be to God,, may God bless the birds that deliver his messages to the people. 

May the Will of God be done....

1. Animals Speaks by Ted Andrews 

Today is the 'Day of Simplicity'. 

1 comment:

Eliakim said...

Yesterday, black bird came again in front of our kitchen window. He was pecking at the branch and then he kept looking around him. Look around, look around. He then flew down to the ground and was pecking the ground.