Thursday, 18 March 2010


While cooking dinner LADY BIRD arrived. She came out of the dish cloth and flew to the light.

The Ladybird can also be symbolic of the Holy Mother although she never wears red in my experience.  As we know LADY BIRD is red and shell protects her, she also has spots on her back that people usually count, so once again we come back to the mathematics and the messages that the energies bring. She flew quickly so I hope I am correct in saying there were three spots on each wing. 3 x 2 = 6 = June again and the Juno doorway opening.

It does signify it is time for a move and as the ryhme goes, Ladybird, Ladybird fly away home. Ladybird does not live very long so it is imperative that she lives in joy. She usually turns up at Easter time and in Holland she is called "Our dear Lord's little creature." Small in size with a lot of power. When I was a child my mother always dressed me in red and strong primary colours in a classic way. So the Lady Bird certainly has a significance to me as we approach Easter.

The Beauty of Nature

If you are wondering why we share posts like this with you it is because the Christ said the following:

 'I tell you truly, the Book of Nature is a HOLY SCROLL, and if you would have the Sons of Men save themselves and find everlasting life, teach them how once again to read from the living pages of the Earthly Mother. For in everything that is life is the law written. It is written in the grass, in the trees, in the rivers, in the mountains, birds of the sky and fishes of the sea; and most of all in the Son of Man.

Only when he returns to the bosom of the Earthly Mother will he find everlasting life and the Stream of Life which leads to his Heavenly Father; only thus may the dark vision of the future not come to pass".  The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book 4, Teachings of the Elect. 

It is clear in this passage that again, the Christ was not talking about himself because he already was one with the Father.

Now if you are paying attention you will notice that this is the 13th post in March and it posted at exactly 13.00. 13 x 2 is the date of my birth, 13th of February. 

26 is also the hebrew gematria sum of the name of God. 

So we are doing our best to do as he asked and that is 

"Teach them how once again to read from the living pages of the Earthly Mother."

LADY BIRD in English Gematria is also the same as the sum of "Lamb of God". [1]

Love beyond measure 



18th March in numerology is 'RETURN' 

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