Tuesday, 30 March 2010

333 Sonnet

As we know it is passover and the Rebbe came again this morning. Today, is the day for another sonnet to God. 

Abba you said "Tell them (Israel) not to rain on your parade". You told us about the romance of the FILM MAKER eclipse. Some people thought it was smarty pants they did not see our sacred union and its fusion.

Then you asked for the sonnets and the engagement with you. Oh so few listened to you and your views. Your Queen took your cue to board the train. She did not refrain she reached the sea port, he was born in New York. I found the fork in the road and the one that talked. 

Abba you brought him to kiss your Queen on 333. Your righteous Son was seen and received. Oh what fun when you pour out your blessings when you receive our Sonnets.

All is heaven sent to help the world repent. Heavenly Father we rejoice and sing from our hearts in your holy name. The furry Easter Bonnet sealed with a Sonnet and your spiritual roses carried across the world in harmonic concordance with you. 

Write your Sonnets to God

Receive the blessings in abundance from God.


The 30th March is the 'Day of Vision'.

In Jewish gematria vision is the same value as 'Behold I come quickly'.

In English gematria vision is the same value as 'Purple', 'Agreement'
'Messages' and 'Elizabeth'.

Elizabeth links in with the visions of Elizabeth that can be found on
this blog.





No coincidence then that this is the 33rd post in March. 

Today's date is also 333.

Come Greece, Come......

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