Tuesday 23 March 2010

Return of Atlantis

Aviv raised the point on the Juno post that the word 'RETURN' in different gematria provides some interesting returns when you put the word into one of the calculators. 

One the words that returns is ATLANTIS and the rising of Atlantis is associated with the building of New Jerusalem. In English gematria it is also 'Destiny', 'February' the month of my birth and its also the sum of 'Favorite' and 'Society'. February 2010 was also an important month because it was the start of the Year of the Golden Tiger. If you put in 'Golden Tiger' it is the same English gematria sum as 'Prince of Peace'. 

The word for Prince in Hebrew is SAR and it also means Governor, you can view the post on the Governor Eliakim on this blog. If you put the hebrew word SAR in it returns the following in English. "Fire, Gold, Kabbalah, Change, Balance, Noah, Farm."Now that reminds me of the wisdom of Sophia. If you put in Sophia it returns the words 'Easter' and 'Shalom', the root word of Shalom is 'Be whole'. 

In Jewish gematria the word SAR in the calculator returns the word 'Hobbit' and that links in with the 'Ben Hur' and "Film Maker' eclipses that catapulted us all into 2010 with the 'Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring' energies.  Reviewing the film trailer just now Frodo said 'I can't do this alone' and I said exactly the same to God on the 7th March 2010. 

The synchronicities are amazing bearing in mind that the actor that was given the role has Frodo is also named Elijah in real life. Frodo in English gematria is also FATHER. 

When you put in the words Governor Eliakim into the gematria calculator it also returns the words 'False Prophet' in English and Eliakim does have a responsibility to expose the false prophet to the world. God willing this will be done in a TV documentary. Its also interesting that when you put in the words 'TV documentary' it is the same gematria value as Barrack Hussein Obama and Obama is certainly associated with the false prophet. 

This is the appointed time mentioned in the bible. 

If you put the words NEW JERUSALEM in it returns the following in English.

'Enlightenment, Relationship, Cornerstone (Spiritual Independence), Sananda Maitreya, Leonardi Da Vinci, The Uprising, The Golden Rule and Manifestation."



As we have shared before God plans to build his holy city in the West and that is the 
direction of the peacemakers.

May the will of God be done. 


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