Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Golden Door - Gan Dor

On the  31st of March while bathing I was shown a vision of a golden door and it was surrounded with the flames of God. The golden door often reminds me of the golden gate otherwise known as the mercy gate in Israel. It is in the East and the East is symbolic Archangel Michael and his teachers.

Then the batman logo appeared upon the door. As we know Batman is usually associated with the USA and the movies and that brings us back to the FILM MAKER eclipse on the 31st of December 2009 that catapulted us into 2010. 

The batman crime fighter is known as the ‘Caped Crusader’,  ‘Dark Knight’ and the first time I was shown a Batman vision was in 2001; it was during a healing training course and it is to do with divine providence.

Then I saw lots of energy rising and Batman was rising with the energy and he was  a living energy.

In English gematria the word batman is also the same sum as Michael and Rise.


Then I was shown a vision of a wild Turkey and his dark colours were beautiful. Turkey is also connected to the USA and is usually eaten at thanksgiving. In England Turkey is usually chosen for the Christmas table. In Native American philosophy the Turkey’s key note is ‘Shared Blessings and “Harvest’ and its cycle of power is Autumn. It sometimes called the ‘Earth Eagle’ and of course the Eagle is another link to the USA. Their preferred environment is forested lands, some think that Turkey cannot fly but it certainly can., it can fly at 50mph for short distances and it can take off very fast indeed.

In spiritual symbology Turkey is also sacred to the Toltecs and the Mayan lands. It is associated with thunder and rain because like all animals they become restless before storms. However, this Turkey looked quite calm, he was very plump and looked happy. A happy plump earth Turkey is very different to the Eagle predator. However, it should be noted that people eat Turkeys but they don't eat Eagles. 


Then  I saw a vision of the Swan of Grace, the Swan is symbolic of purity and grace and it was sacred to Aphrodite. Aphrodite in Latin also means VENUS. In Hindu philosophy it is also the equivalent of the “Lotus of Knowledge”  and is sometimes called the “Hamsa Bird”. that is in perfect sacred union with the divine. It is also associated with Brahma who rides a swan, the swan lays the cosmic egg and it was from this golden egg that the legends state that Brahma sprang. [1] The other day we received a message about Aphrodite and the Love Union, you can access it on the Christ Vision of Peace, Love Union blog.

In Native American philosophy the keynote of the swan is ‘Awakening the true beauty and power of the self’ and its cycle of power is the winter time. Author Ted Andrews also shares with us that the name of the Swan is also one of the oldest names in the English language.

Then I was shown a block of gold. The first time I ever saw a block of gold energy was decades ago. When I saw it I asked another seer if she could see what I could see and she confirmed that she could. To double check that she was telling me the truth I asked what she could see and she said a brick of gold. I asked what is it? She replied it is the foot of Christ. This woman had trained for many years with the Spiritualist Church and was well respected locally. Her name was also Grace.

In English gematria Golden Door is the same sum as “Light of Life’, Purity and ‘Kingdom Come’. Turkey  is the same as ‘Excellent’, Have Mercy, ‘New Science’ and ‘Writing’.
Swan is the same as “England’, ‘Rose’, ‘Mary’ and ‘Golden’.

After the above was finished being written God said ‘GAN DOR’

The word ‘GAN’ in Hebrew means garden and in Genesis it says ‘And the Lord God planted a garden in the Eastward in Eden.' Gen 2:8

Dor is from the Hebrew and it means GENERATION.

Thus Gan Dor can be understood as 'GARDEN GENERATION',  in 2005 Archangel Michael began working with the new teachers of ecological self-sustainbility and God also told us that we must be living ecologically and self-sustainably by 2012. Humanity does not have much time left to make a major shift.

I typed the 31st of March and it changed to August so I had to come back to edit it. The 31st of August must also be a key date and it is, it is the last day of the final countdown. What else is happening on that date? Obama said: "Let me say this as plainly as I can: by August 31, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end."[4]

  1. Traditional symbols by J. C. Cooper
  2. Animal Speaks Ted Andrews

1 comment:

Eliakim said...

Now we have the bats in the batman province of Turkey. 1,000 protestors fighting police. Looks like Obama is at it again.

20 March 2012 10:49

Eliakim said...
More Batman, now we have a police officer in Brazil dressed up as Batman when communicating with the children. Report by Breitbart Media.

20 March 2012 20:20