Saturday 13 March 2010

Mothers Day - LILY DAY

It is Mothering Sunday in England tomorrow and the 14th of March was also my mother LILY's birthday. Amazing synchronicity. My mother also had a French heritage and her maiden name was Govier.

When we growing up she told us about how when she was a child she was taken on a school trip to the dungeons of the Tower of London. She mentioned a deep carving in the stonework of the walls of a tunnel into the Tower of London that said GOVIER. She told us of a story of how her father's ancestors who were French arrived from France during the French revolution in boats, they came into the Thames and the Tower of London. Lily said they were from French aristocracy. Hence why they were escaping from France and the bastille.

However, I am also aware due to a past life healing treatment that I also have connections with the Tower of London in a past life. I lived in the North of England in that life and was taken to the Tower of London after my husband had been killed in service to the Queen, our home and lands had been taken over by invaders. I never spoke again after my home and husband had been taken from me. I was very young and I still remember the last day that we spent together.

In this life the Raven is also very significant to the prophet of God and Ravens live at the Tower of London. The prime meridian of the planet also runs through London where the prophet of God was born

So this will be Mothers Day and we're approaching Easter, let this be LILY DAY.

The day of the Mother.

In France the Lily is also the Fleur-de-lis or Iris and the Christian Nostradamus from France wrote prophetically about the importance of the Iris to the last days of the end times. He said she would not be seen for 40 years and for 40 years she would be seen daily.

The Lily in the Far East is also the Lotus Flower. The Iris was a flower essence remedy that Nostradamus used for healing depression of his people at that time. So one can conclude that the prophet of God knows how to heal the depression of humanity.

Some say that Mother's Day originated from a Roman celebration of the Mother goddess. The celebration of Cybele. [1] However, the play of words with Cybele and Sibel deserves further insight especially as God once called me Sibel. [2].

The meaning of Sibel is prophetess and the family motto of 'Sibel' is justice. That links in perfectly with the lawmaker and the 'interpreter of the law' mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Furthermore, in September 2000 I was blessed to receive a 52 minute healing meditation from the Holy Mother. That year we ran Divine Mother workshops and people were having such profound healing and divine experiences that the following year due to a series of sychronicities it was time to record it for humanity. During our "Divine Mother' workshops we were compelled to fill the room with real Lilies.

We dedicated the healing meditation CD to every mother in the universe, may they always be honoured as sacred co-creators. The healing meditation was blessed with wonderful reviews and that included one from a national newspaper magazine "YOU" The Mail On Sunday.

God bless the healing process this mothers day.

The "Day of the LILY" the 40 year Age of Iris.

There is also a lovely song called 'LILY WAS HERE'.

In English gematria LILY is the sum of 348 = Danny. 

Danny is the name of the distributor that distributes the Divine Mother and 
Her Archangels Healing Mediation CD, more synchronicity. It is also the 
English gematria value for 'Science", "Nest" "Basket" that links in with a 
crop circle last year of the basket of God. In the basket of God you find
the 'Divine Mother and Her Archangels" CD for healing humanity.

348 is also "Kiss" "Smile" "Design and "Angels".

In numerology the 14th of March is also the "Day of Relativity".

God bless all mothers this LILY day in all realms.

Happy Mother's Day



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