Friday, 26 March 2010

Joseph Brady

This is post 26 and 26 is the Hebrew gematria value of the name of God.

Today is also the 26th and it is Shabat.

So I asked our heavenly Father what he would like us to post today and he replied Hei J.B.

Hei can mean reveal. The Rabbi wrote the following about Hei.

"In the secret of the letter hei, the gift itself is the relation and expression of self, drawing the receiver into the essence of the giver. Joseph, the speaker of the verse "take for yourselves seed," corresponds to the sefirah of yesod, whose function is to express self in the form of giving seed, as explained in Kabbalah. When Joseph first gave grain to his brothers, they were unable to recognize him, similar to the dalet in relation to the gimlet. Upon his revelation to his brothers (and thereby to all of Egypt), his giving became that of the hei. Instead of grain he now gave seed."[1]

The initials J.B. Are the initials of my grandfather Joseph Brady. As far as I am aware he was the eldest of the children born to Catherine Arbede whose family were from Holland. Her Father was a cigar maker and one of my aunts told me that he had a kiosk in Shaftesbury Avenue, London. 

When the Dutch Jews arrived in London they were called 'Chuts' and there is a wikipedia link for them. 

Catherine married Thomas Brady and because she married outside of the Jewish religion she was banished from her family. When she married she kept the name Arbede and was known as Catherine Arbede-Brady. 

Joseph Brady was her eldest son, he was a very large, stout man and he owned newspaper pitches in the West End of London. He married Sarah and my father was the youngest of the children.  All of the children inherited the deep set eyes, olive skin and most of them were tall and stout like their father including the girls. As my father was the youngest of the many children, Joseph Brady died when I was a very young child. However, I do remember him and where he used to sit in the corner of their tiny kitchen. Joseph and Sarah brought up their children in a four storey rented house in Kings Cross, WCI, London, and Sarah lived there until she died. 

My parents lived over the other side of the road in Acton Street, in very close proximity until I was a teenager when we moved to Regents Park, NW1 London.

In English gematria the name Joseph Brady is the same value as Mashiach Ben David and Lotus Feet. There never is any co-incidences in the way the words and gematria fit together. 

When God told Moses that he would send a prophet like him to the people, Moses asked that the blessing be bestowed upon the family of Joseph. God kept his promise to Moses and the Children of the Promise. 

There are many prophecies left by the prophets in the bible giving details about the last days of the end times, prophet Micah called me the daughter of Zion and the watchtower for the flock. Daughter of Zion has the same gematria value as "Human Potential", "Tenth Dimension", "Truth is love". 

Michelangelo also knew the truth and that is why there is a fresco of ELIAKIM in the Vatican. 

Now as much as people don't like to hear the truth, it is true, God tells the truth to you because God and his truth is love. As his Son said 'The Truth will set you free". 

We are on a mission from God.....and todays date is also the 'Day of Integrity'. 


1 comment:

Hebrew Gematria said...

Thanks for your post and your comments about Gematria. You said that Gematria is never coincidence. I'm not sure that ALL Gematria is designed. If you try hard enough and get enough number permutations, you will find matches in the Gematria of words. Connections in Gematria have to be meaningful. *Sometimes* they *are* just coincidence.