Friday 16 July 2010

Engagement with God Crop Circle

This crop circle was reported on the 12th of July 2010.

373 energy is powerful in gematria and in a biblical sense and we have already covered that in detail on other posts. The 12th of July is also the 'Day of Persuasion'. 

The crop circle is another cross and this time it has an engagement ring in it. In spiritual symbology the diamond ring is an engagement with God. This is the second crop circle this month in a place that includes the word Cliff. This circle was located in Clifton, Nr Brighouse, West Yorkshire. [1]

It look likes a man made crop circle. However, as we know God does work through people when and if he chooses too.

There are four circles increasing in size, then a big one in the position of the thymus and that is the level of consciousness of 'I ACCEPT'. Inside the large circle there is three more circles so we now have 8 the symbol of infinity. Then you can see the engagement ring and that consists of another four circles making 12. Above that there is another circle and that makes 13, the gematria value of love in the depth. Then there is the breadth with another two circles and that then adds up to 15. 15 is the number with an alchemical significance and it is also the number of a magical time.

An engagement with God is always a wonderful time so no coincidence that this crop circle arrived the day after the total solar eclipse on the 11th of July 2010. The Messiah Gateway opening. This is the first time that this solar eclipse could be seen in Easter Island for 1,400 years. Some also claim it is the longest eclipse of the century.


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