Sunday 25 July 2010

NGO Crop Circle

We now have an ariel shot of the Wentworth Castle Crop Circle discovered on the 18th of July 2010. 18 is the number of materialism destroying spirituality. 18th of July was the 'Day of Conviction' and 973 energy. You will remember in the past that Abba said that it is 973 that really counts and there was another 973 crop circle.

The location of the crop circle is in front of what is called Wentworth Castle. My connection with the word WENT is a person who is a biblical scholar. Wentworth Castle is the same English gematria value as 'Quantum Physics', 'Subatomic particles', 'I trusted my heart', 'Watch the weather change', 'In my Father's House', 'Love your children', 'English Travellers', 'Think about others'. [1]

Wentworth Castle provides 26 different buildings and monuments and 26 is the hebrew gematria value of the name of God. It has been restored to its former glory and is located in 500 acres of historic parkland, the deer graze on this land and can be seen every day. [2]

When I viewed this beautiful location, I immediately felt that I would rather take children to this wonderful sanctuary of peace then take them to an American theme park.

England has such a rich history and wonderful legacy,  it stands for the children to see and feel the sheer splendor of it. Hence, why I was not happy when I discovered that Dr Barnardo's were selling off some of the great houses and estates that wealthy people had donated for the children to enjoy. Whole estates were sold off to property developers. People did not donate their estates for the children for the charity to destroy them. If the charity could not make use of the buildings given from the heart for the children, then they should've passed on the buildings to those that could and would maintain them as the original owner wished.

Their homes and lands were their gift to humanity and that gift should have been honored and not sold.

Photograph copyright of Lucy Smith. Courtesy of Crop Circle Connector. [3]

This crop circle as 17 spheres in the outer circle and 17 is the number of the Star. We then have the circle  in the middle and a very small one near the ring. 19 is the number of the Sun. When I viewed this ariel photograph today it felt like it was to do with the nations large and small, uniting around the world. The third sector as been coming up in recent days and it feels like it is to do with the NGO's. NGO's that surround the Star and the Sun, unity as one. There is a great understanding of what must be done.

Wentworth Castle is valued and so are the NGO's. NGO is also the same English gematria as 'Child', 'Feet' and 'Halo'.

Glory be to God

4. 973 Crop Circle

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