Tuesday 27 July 2010

Fuse, Plug and Centrifuge

Abba said 'The fuse will be put into the plug" as we know once the plug receives the fuse then the plug can be put into the socket and the appliance can receive the electricity. Then you can cook the food if you are using electricity. The only time that Abba as mentioned the fuse in the past was to do with the Jewish people when he said 'The Jews are blowing a fuse'. As we know when people blow a fuse they require a new one

Today, he said 'Centrifuge'. The centrifuge is an engineering term and an interesting piece of apparatus. It consists of a compartment that is spun around a central axis.

A centrifuge separates the materials of specific gravities or separates colloidial particles suspended in a liquid. Liquids can also be to do with emotions. However, remember that 70-80% of the human body is made of water and there are a lot of books, research papers and videos on water consciousness and how water holds memory.

People can remove memory from water by healing it and blessing it. Water consciousness is also helped by positive thoughts. One can also put positive affirmations into the water of your own being by drinking it, and by putting blessed and healed waters into rivers, oceans and seas.

The acceleration process otherwise known as the ascension process in spirituality; varies dependent on the energy of the soul and its vibration due to the weight that individuals carry.  This is otherwise known as dross in a biblical sense. When you cut off the dross from the soul you are just left with the purified meat of that which is essential, then it can rise to merge with the Spirit in my experience.

The centrifuge tests and humanity is rotating in the centrifuge of the cosmos due to the spiritual law. In the process all that is not healthy for humanity is being dispersed.

May the will of God be done


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