Monday 19 July 2010

Legions of Light Crop Circle

This crop circle was reported on the 18th of July 2010. 18 is the number of materialism striving to destroy spirituality. The 18th of July is also the 'Day of Conviction'.  The full date is also 973 energy and in recent years Abba said "973 is what really counts". So we will not labour the point.

The location is Woolaston Grange and that does have a link to the black faced sheep vision and the wool of their coats that are about to be sheared. Woolaston Grange is the same English gematria as Children's Covenant and 'The one and only one.'

This wonderful crop circle gives us many images and great light and hope that God and his legions of light know what they are doing.

First we see the Vesica Pisces and its eclipse of the new philosophy of Spiritual Psychology that can change the world into a positive reality.  If you look at the graphics of the crop circle it also looks like two albums that eclipse each other. Then we see the two smaller ones that are symbolic of the children. 2 point 2 families. The three outer circles are symbolic of this three year.

No surprise then that we launched two meditation albums in the past with divine healing meditations.

There are six rims in the white and six inner rims = 12 x = 24 and 24 is the number of karmic reward and creativity. Let us then add the eclipse shape of Vesica Pisces that adds two = 26 the gematria value of the name of God. With the energetic circles we have the two centre points = 28. 28 is the number of the lamb.

We then have the children represented by the two smaller circles. Two outer rims and two inner rims = 4 x 2 = 8. The symbol of infinity. They say that birthing a male and a female child is the Kings ransom. In the centre we have two more circles making 10. The number of the new circle of time.

We now have 28+10 = 38 and that is the number of 'Grace under pressure', trials and tribulations. In addition we have the three points in this three year. 38+3 = 41. 41 is the number of communication.

I see the eclipse its spreading abroad since the total solar eclipse, the vibrations are having an impact the closer they get to the main root causes of the real core issues.

There is no doubt about it, the combination of the crop and its location signifies the light is moving towards that which is destroying humanity.

However, it is not like man imagined. This is a clash between the worlds on a total different level of being, it is the clash between man that destroys nature and God and his legions of light that defends nature ad the rest of the cosmos.

Jeff Wayne called it the 'War of the Worlds'. The Dead Sea Scrolls called it the Sons of Light -v- the Sons of Darkness.

Humanity are like a child, you have to hold their hand in the dark.  Only  those that understand will overcome and help to raise up the children, the natural environment and God's creation.

Thank you to Olive Morel for taking the ariel photo's of this crop circle for us to share courtesy of crop circle connector. [1]

The divine are here.....God's legions of love and light are here....


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