Friday 23 July 2010

Sacredstone Crop Circle

Another crop circle was discovered in England on the 21st of July and that is the 'Day of Controversy'. 21 is the number of the universe and the power to overcome. The full date is 373 energy and it is divine energy in Hebrew gematria.

It is one sphere estimated to be 90 foot across. It was discovered at Strandals Farm, Bishopstone, Buckinghamshire. [1]

90 in Hebrew gematria is TZADIK; The Righteous One. [2]

9 is also the number of completion and divine love.

Strandals Farm is the same English gematria value as 'Clairvoyance', 'Transcending' 'and 'Thomas Pope', 'Congregation'. All have important meaning in this reality, being a clairvoyant that taught transcension over a decade ago. The words Thomas Pope are also interesting bearing in mind that the Christ predicted that one would come. He predicted that they would be 48 years old when the Father would call them to work with his followers, his spiritual congregation. The scripture indicating this was not shown to me until 2007 and that is good that it was revealed to me years later.

It was when I was 48 years old that our heavenly Father gave the first discourse to be delivered to humanity and it was named 'EGO a discourse with God'. It took me a year to integrate his teaching and that he was communicating with me, as such we did not start publishing it on the internet until a year later. The heavenly Father is very different to his Son who had worked with me and prepared me for what would lay ahead, before I knew who I was ordained and pre-destined to be.

In English gematria Bishopstone is also the same value as 'Spill the Beans'. 'Sacred Stones', 'Saved by the Bell', 'Angel of the Lord', and 'Who I really am'.

In 2007, the Christ said the LORD was not yet ready to spill the beans but when he did it would be like a la'va that would cover the earth. The gematria indicated by this crop circle says it is time.

Yesterday, while bathing I was given a vision, first there was a beautiful pink door that was open, then a gold door that was open and then a lovely Tree of Life.

I remembered afterwards that I was asked to wear pink for the unity gathering and stargate opening in Israel, May 13th, 2006. Many light beings came to earth that day from many different planets to help humanity. I was asked to wear gold when I embedded the covenant for the children in Israel on the 9th of September 2007. Door in Hebrew is also DALET = selflessness.

Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first 
resurrection. The second death has no power over them, 
but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign 
with him for a thousand years. Rev 20:6 

We are aware that in Daniel the days represent years and years
can also represent days in Judaism.

May the will of our heavenly Father be done


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