Tuesday 27 July 2010

Two White Butterfly's

After we posted the blessing crop circle interpretation two lovely white butterfly's were dancing together outside my window. They stayed their dancing until they caught my eye, then they flew off.

White is the colour of purity and simplicity. Two is the number of the lovers and harmony when they dance together allowing the winds to flow between them. Butterfly's are also symbolic of transformation and the dance of joy.

Ted Andrews wrote that Butterfly's remind us to make changes when the opportunities present themselves. Transformation is inevitable, but butterfly will teach you that change and growth does not have to be traumatic. It teaches that it can be as gentle, sweet and joyful as you wish.

It was in the late 90's that Butterfly came into my life in a big way. One day one came into a large exhibition hall and stayed on our table on the exhibition stand. I remember it so well butterfly was sitting on my left and the left is earthly reality. He was still there the next day and stayed in the exhibition all night. That was just before we were leaving England for Australia. So our earthly reality did indeed change after the butterfly came.

These two white butterfly's today were on my right outside the window. The window can also be understood as the eye because it is symbolic of the window of the soul. Right is also to do with spiritual reality and it is time to dance a new dance with the spiritual community because many are ready now for the next level of progression and evolution of consciousness.

Those that are pure and clean due to healing the self will dance together now.

The timing is perfectly arranged for the next phase of the transformation of humanity. This was also indicated by the White Horse crop circle. Those that are pure will lead humanity through the transformation of their souls.

Butterfly Lovers 

This is also a love video for Butterfly Lovers

The lovely light blue healing hues of Quan Yin in that video are beautiful,  just now a friend sent this lovely picture that she took of the Blue Moth last week. You can see how it gravitated to a piece of material that was the same colour as its own. God was called the dyer for good purpose due to colour  healing. Maybe now you can understand why Joseph was given the coat of many colours. Joseph had a pure heart as such he was the one to receive it.

No coincidence then that colour healing was developed again and taught in England, the land of Joseph. There were two colour healing schools established one by Rudolf Steiner and the other by Theo Gimble. The Galilee of the Gentiles predicted by Prophet Isaiah, the place where the one that God would send would be found.

Love beyond measure


1 comment:

Eliakim said...

Astrologer Richard WIlkinson wrote:

"The first degree of Libra is "A butterfly made perfect by a dart through it." This is said to be a degree of pure potentiality as it is conditioned through imagination. We are told this degree contains "elements of individual consciousness emerging from primordial formlessness," and wisdom deriving from our willingness to embrace new experiences."