Thursday 8 July 2010

Revolution of Ages

This revolution of the ages was known about by the mystics since biblical times. The Dead Sea Scrolls talks about the final showdown of the Sons of Light and Sons of Darkness. Dead Sea Scrolls scholar Geza Vermes understood the texts to mean that the two sides are equally matched and it would only be with the divine intervention of God that it would sway everything into the power of spiritual man e.g. the Sons of Light.

The different ages bring their own qualities and it is no different now. The Age of the Ram (ARIES) of the uncastrated sheep locking their horns against each other was when man was fighting for its own sake to prove their dominance. It was an age of war and fighting for entertainment. As we know Aries is a fire sign but it is also important to remember that Ariens are also the babies of the zodiac and they're very much in the root and sacral of 'I WANTS'. Humanity still carry that in their human consciousness due to past life experiences although the karmic cycles from the Age of Aries can be broken.

Interesting that in the last few days in the black faced sheep vision they were ready to be sheared of that which is no longer appropriate for the evolution of human consciousness.
It was then followed by the Age of Pisces, that is not only symbolic of Christians but also the TAO. The water sign of the fishes can be found in many cultures and philosophies that include Buddhism. Pisces is a very emotional sign and their emotions tend to control them instead of people being Master of them. Being Master of the self is mighty indeed. The Age of Pisces birthed religions that were based upon an emotional reaction to beliefs that were reigning at that time. In the later part of the age we had an overlap of the ages with people all starting their own churches due to unhealed desire and wants. Those that truly understood the Christ teachings never opened a Church like many people did because they knew that the bible warned them not to build upon his foundations with building materials.

Islam state they follow the prophets but if that was true then they would not have built mosques either.

Sometimes you can be told
'You will build a church in my name'.  However, the enlightened know it is a test of your integrity. Those that do not pass the test with flying colours are shown clearly that they do not understand the true Christ teachings that the Kingdom of God is within YOU! Its a test of integration of your gnosis.

We now have the Age of Aquarius that the mystics down the ages dreamed of and visioned. Aquarians are the most unconventional signs in the zodiac. Humanitarians yes but you cannot typecast them or put them in a box. As soon as you try to typecast them they pull the rug from under your feet and it quickly becomes self evident that you really don't know them at all.

One day they will be this and the next day they will be different and it is important that people come to understand that because Aquarians love change. Change is as natural as the seasons and unfortunately, humanity have not been taught how to embrace change in their childhoods. As such, they find change very hard to deal with. Hence, why many people will find the Age of Aquarius very hard to deal with and accept in its entirety.

Aquarius is an Air sign and it is ruled by Uranus, the true free thinkers of the cosmos. However, it is important to note that every cell is surrounded with the mindfields and every cell as a mind of its own. Although the originating DNA plays a powerful role in what the rest of the cells in your body manifest.

In the past we have called this time
'Emotive Social Evolution' because humanity is evolving out of a purely emotional response although their emotions are being triggered into reaction because many are still holding onto the residue of the Piscean Age and its past life memories.

Humanity view the problem, they react and then they find the solution to the harsh realities that they now face due to their inflexibility of old belief systems. The light triggers the darkness and the darkness triggers the light until there is no more darkness left. As we know the symbol of Aquarius is the water bearer, the one that brings the waters of purification to refresh the planet with its goodness to quench the thirst of an ailing planet and its people.

No surprise then that God sent an Aquarian to help humanity with the transition from the last age into the new golden age of Aquarius and its supreme love. God's will is compelled by love into compassionate action to save humanity from itself.

The transition hasn't been easy for many due to fixed belief systems that people refuse to relinguish. Those belief systems have no place in where this wonderful age is taking you all. The key words of the Aquarian are
FREEDOM and 'I KNOW'. They simply cannot be controlled.

I know is also to do with gnosis. Now many Christians have been led to believe that gnosis is about secret knowledge when in fact it is about recognizing the signs in your life everyday. A daily revelation if you will, when you are totally in tune and in harmony with nature and the divine, life becomes easy.

It is a time of ascension out of the boxes that religions buried people in. It is a time of being like a butterfly of transformation of selves, planet and people. Its time to teach your souls to fly!.

It is a time of great adventure crossing the new frontiers of science that is now coming to understand the divine aspects of our true essence and natures.

Aquarius does not like dogma, to be restricted, limited, or bound. They just have to be free to be who they are at their purest essence of being. As pure as children when they arrive here with love in their eyes and hearts.

They have to be allowed to be themselves, appreciated and loved for who they are and that is very hard for some star signs like Capricorns that have difficulty climbing the mountain straight. It is very hard for those that have not embraced multi-tasking, multi-disciplines and multi-skills.

Aquarians can work on many different projects at the same time and it is the same with this age. Everything will be made anew exactly as God predicted in the bible, now that is going to be very hard for religionists because religion does not feature in the age of Aquarius. The more we move into the age of Aquarius the more religions will fall away, just like the tower of babel did in the past. Religions and old structures are being blown away for many different reasons. However, the most important reason is that they do not serve humanity in the highest possible way.

This is the age of purification on every level of being to ensure that this precious planet is taken care of. Those that do not carefully from the heart of being will not be staying on this planet because there is no room for them in the divine plan of the Aquarian Age. Aquarians have to live in integrity and have to be true to themselves and their own life experiences.

They cannot stand with injustice because it goes against their grain to do so. They cannot be controlled and even the divine know that there as to be agreement from them to impart and do the will of God. Aquarians are strong and have a great depth of character that few are able or blessed to see and experience. As children their earthly parents find them hard to understand because they so changeable.

Astrologers state that they live in tomorrow and you can only reach them there because they are a very intuitive sign and see far beyond the present moment. They see the future because they live in the future. They know it in the depth of their being because it was the way that they were made.

The Aquarian Age will impact on everything that humanity now knows. It will change everything and sweep many things away. Only that which is true can survive what is coming upon this planet and its people. The more that people heal themselves the easier the transformation will be.

Nostradamus called this era of the beginning, the age of Iris and he used the Iris for healing depression. Many will get depressed at what happens because old beliefs and realities are being swept away for the good of the planet and its people. People will find they have academically trained and invested their lives into belief systems that have no place in where they find themselves.

Health and Education is simply not equipped to deal with the fast pace of the Aquarian Age. The current systems have passed their sell by date, all of them. All of them will fall off the shelf like a product that has come to the end of its product life cycle.

Only those that love change and adventure will prosper in this Age of Aquarius. With no two days being the same. Everyday a different energy and purpose. Every night in a different dimension in the music of the spheres. One thing is guaranteed life is never boring with an Aquarian or in the Age of Aquarius.

Many new seeds will be planted by God and his legions of light and love,  he will water them with his water bearer that brings the waters of refreshment; to ensure that they grow experientially and naturally in harmonic concordance with the cosmos and the spiritual law that is healthy for humanity and its consciousness.

This is a blessed time and the children of the light know that we are truly blessed to be here to experience this complete transformation of humanity.

Freedom will reign supreme because it is the will of God for it to do so.

The other aspects of the piscean age is that it was the age of emotional manipulation, emotional black mail and selfishness. Pisceans can be very diplomatic to get what they want, they have mastered the art of manipulation and control. 

The Aquarian is the opposite, often too honest for their own good. Up front, blunt, and they lack diplomacy. They are the point maker that can cut to the bone with the double edged sword. They cannot live in untruth and they would rather live alone then live a lie. Astrologers state that they are known for their emotional coolness and detachment. So detachment will be another key word for the Aquarian Age in my view. 

They are full of trust until someone breaks that trust and betrays them. They will give and give and give until a person takes advantage of their giving, then their hearts can turn as cold as stone and there is no going back. 

They do not look back once they recover from relationship break ups and relationships in the Aquarian Age will change a lot over the next 200 years. The more that humanity move into sacred supreme love of the heart the more that unconditional love will become the state of being in the 5th dimension. The more the purification continues the more people will access their true selves. 

Friendship is another big one for the Aquarian Age. Hence why the internet community is international. It is these friendships that is helping humanity at the grass roots to understand each other and unite. 

Aquarians usually have a lot of friends in all walks of life. They can fit into any environment and social sphere. They are more comfortable in the community of friendship then they are in one-to-one relationships that can limit their freedom to be. 

As I write this I am seeing the Native American communities and people and children around the campfire. This will certainly be an era of people moving back to nature and re-connecting with it. Children with lots of different role models is healthy for them. 

It is a dynamic and charismatic golden age and the one where people will access the genius within. This Messanic Age will bring forth the true qualities and purest essence of the people in an extraordinary way.  It is an age of a new model of empowerment, the people taking their power back and finding the true power within. This will impact on reducing and eliminating diseases that was largely self inflicted in previous ages. 


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