Monday, 28 February 2011


In the previous post regarding the dream of the Poodle and the Alsation we mentioned that Abba spoke to me afterwards and he said 'THEIR CRUSHING NUMBERS'. 

In the prophecy of Jeremiah chapter 14, it mentions the crushing and this is the criteria of the prophecy: 

1. Crying night and day without ceasing. In 2010, we told the people that we cannot grieve for you anymore. 

2. The Virgin Daughter has suffered a grievous wound. A crushing blow. 

3. In the country people slain by the sword. In the city people ravages of famine e.g. poverty. 

4. Both Prophet and Priest have gone to a land they know not. We have been to many lands that we have not known. 

5. Judah rejected, Zion despised. In a different prophecy it states that God loves ZION, more than Israel and that ZION receives a new name. Judah means 'Thanks, Gratitude and Praise'. 

6. Affliction so they are not healed. 

7. Hope of peace but no good came. A time of healing but there was only terror. 

8. The people acknowledge their wickedness and the guilt of their ancestors. 

9. For the sake of the name of God, the people ask God not to dishonor his throne. They ask him to honor the covenant with them and not to break it. 

10. For their hope is in the LORD our God. 

In Psalm 110:6, it states that he will judge the nations, heaping up the dead and crushing the rulers of the whole earth. As Christ predicted. 'The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth'. 

In Daniel chapter 7, it mentions the Leopard that also appears in Revelation chapter 13. The LEO the LEOPARD from Africa and he was given authority to rule. No surprise then that Obama is taking a leading role in what's happening in the Middle East. 

Then there is a mention of the fourth beast. 

"Terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns.“While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a human being and a mouth that spoke boastfully."

Does that sound like Gadaffi to you? Father and Son that launched poison gas against their own people? His son said we have three plans, A, to live and die in Libya, B, to live and die in Libya, plan C, to live and die in Libya. 


The  next part of the prophecy is about the Ancient of Days, his clothing as White as Snow, with hair as white as wool. His throne was set on fire and his wheels were all ablaze. 

White as Snow, he brought the snow. His hair white as wool to keep us warm. His throne was set on fire. 5 million trees burned in Israel in November 2010, on the Mountain of the Prophet and Our Lady of Carmel. 

All of the beasts are stripped of their authority, but some are allowed to live for a certain amount of time. The prophecy then predicts one like the Son of Man who was led into his presence. I was led into the presence of the Ancient of Days in 2004,  he is a mighty inter-galatic being. Like the Operations Director of the cosmos. He rebuked me, not to lay my soul at the feet of anyone. That my soul belongs to me and to God. 

On a different day he told me 'Do not try to squeeze your foot into a shoe that is to small, wait until the shoe fits you perfectly.' At that time, I had no idea where this spiritual journey was going to lead. However, due to the extent of the past divine experiences and proof that had been provided, I trusted beyond measure. 

The other day, I came across an old message in my Egyptian travel log, its dated, 28th of June, 2001. I was given a message while walking in a place called FRIDAY WOODS, not far from where I live. The message  'Crowned in glory is the end of the story'. In 2009, I came across a man on a forum that is writing a book, and he said 'At the end of the book you are completely vindicated'. 

Crushing numbers can also have a different meaning, and that is to do with finances as well as people. People are not a single number and no matter how the elemental forces attempt to crush the people, the will of God, the heavenly Father will have the last word. A person cannot be crushed without detriment, because every flower as a part to play in the divine plan of the eco-system of the planet. In biblical times, it was those that did not honor the creation of God and Mother Earth that were called wicked. 

In Psalm 68: 2, it asks God to blow them away like smoke. Psalm 78: 26, He let loose the East wind (Teacher) and by his power  made the south (prophet) wind blow. "The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; (Healer) round and round it goes, ever returning on its course."Ecc 1:6 "And when the south wind blows, you say, ‘It’s going to be hot,’ and it is."12:55

No surprise then, that on the 23rd of February, we made a post called 'LOTUS TURNS UP THE HEAT'. 

Heavenly Father, with all my heart please put a stop to the massacres in the Middle East. Let your Son's prophecy be true, that together we put an end to the destruction. That we bring forth the shortening of the last days of the end times, for the sake of the spiritually elect. 

All children of the Middle East, we hold you in our heart. 

Be safe, be well, be happy and healed. 


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