Sunday 27 February 2011

Matthew 12 Prophecy

In Matthew Chapter 12, Christ gives us another prophecy regarding the end of the age. The prophecy criteria is as follows:

1. Whoever is not with him is against him. Whoever does not gather with him scatters.

2. Sin and Slander can be forgiven but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.

3. Anyone that speaks against the Son of Man is forgiven, anyone that speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, neither in that age (Piscean) or in this age. (Aquarian).

4. The mouth of the people speaks of what their heart is full of. Humanity are still to learn more about this and how it impacts on them scientifically, biologically, energetically and genetically. Scientists already know that anger is the biggest predictor of heart disease and that intelligence comes from the heart.

The bible is also correct in the book of Exodus when it states that the deeds of the Fathers (parents) impact on the next 3-4 generations.

5. Day of Judgement.

2010 was also the Appointed time when the herald ran with the prophecy that they were ordained to run with as predicted in the bible. The prophecy tells those that do not drink, to drink and be exposed.

6. By the words of the people they shall be acquitted, and by their words they shall be condemned. Everyone is called to give account for every empty word that they have spoken.

What are empty words? It relates to being hollow. In other words, saying things they do not mean, making promises that they do not keep. Offering help, then letting you down, not keeping to agreements and arrangements made. People that do not keep their vows of allegiance to their nations and to the heavenly Father.

Those that write empty words about the biblical prophecies, without truly understanding them, and the depth of their importance to the healing of consciousness of the past, present and future of humanity.

In the beginning was the WORD is the most profound statement ever written, because words and their numerical correspondence is also part of the physics of the cosmos.

The Essenes also knew that 'Energy follows thought',  cutting edge scientists have also been working with this and 'intentions', the power thereof in regard to consciousness. Professor William Tiller,  also discovered that the intentions of researchers can also impact on the outcome of clinical trials, this as far reaching international implications.

7. The Sign of Jonah arriving in Israel.

The whale arrived in May 2010, and it can also be seen in the 'Last Judgement' fresco painted by Michelangelo. After the sign is seen, then all of the religions begin to cave in. Jonah means DOVE.  When I was first found in the Galilee of the Gentiles after my son Jordan was born, as Prophet Isaiah predicted. I was known as WHITE DOVE, it was my Native American name.

The exhibition graphics had the WHITE DOVE and there were porcelain WHITE DOVES  on my stand that my mother had given me. I also used to wear a specific WHITE outfit, and the table was covered in white lace cloth.

When the Whale arrived in Israel last year, the marine scientists were in disbelief.

8. The Son of Man is in the 'Heart of the Earth' for three days and three nights. In mystical Jewish philosophy, a day can be a year, so this can represent three years. The term Son of Man is also a term of endearment for a prophet. Most biblical scholars agree that when Christ was talking about the Son of man he was not speaking of himself.

9. Something greater than Jonah is here, Why greater than Jonah? Jonah was simply a prophet.  Something greater than Solomon is here, why greater than Solomon? Solomon was simply a wise King. There were some words in the HEART CODE video that we posted the other day and they really resonated with me. 'The greater that you are, the greater that you serve'. 

The Beatles also recorded a song called 'SOMETHING'. 

10. The Queen of the South rises at the judgement of this generation. Why does he call her the Queen of the South? The South is the direction of the prophets. In other words, she is the Queen of the Prophets and the one that they all wrote about. Christ also said 'WISDOM WILL BE PROVEN RIGHT BY HER ACTIONS'. 

In Psalm 45, she is the skilled writer, the Royal Bride that holds the sceptre. The one that was asked to wear the golden gown, when she delivered the covenant for the children to Israel. You will also find her mentioned in Micah 4 and Rev 12.

In Rev 3, he mentions the one that he puts upon his throne, the new name, his new name, the name of his city, New Jerusalem. He also tells her that she goes out no more and the scripture explains that she holds the Key of David.

Rev 3 also mentions Philadelphia, and the day that we flew into the USA, the Philadelphia Prince of Peace Church burned to the ground. It was after our return from the USA (2008) that I was told that I am the Paraclete, the Spirit of Truth that was promised to his followers.

The mission to the USA, is mentioned in the Micah 4 prophecy, in respect of her going to Babylon. It was there that she met with Michael M Mauldin, who is mentioned in the book of Daniel, so in many respects the prophecy is true, the Son of Man was in the heart of the earth for three years. Michael was an Earth sign, he was a Virgo. We also spent three days and three nights together in Florida.

Michael died in 2010, and this year will be three years since we met. After Michael died, the Prince of Greece arrived exactly as the prophecy in the book of Daniel predicted. However, it was a 24 hour flying trip.

You will find her in many frescos painted by Michelangelo, he knew the truth. You will see her in the ELIAKIM fresco, the Jesse fresco, and another mysterious fresco called the Gesu fresco. All of these can be viewed on this blog.

11. Whoever does the will of his Father in heaven, is his brother, sister and mother.

As we told people in the past, Christ is my brother, and I only do the will of the heavenly Father.

Was he telling you that I am his brother, sister and mother?

Why did he call me SOMETHING in the prophecy? Is it because I cannot be defined or confined by any religion or belief system?

Is it because humanity have not experienced anything like this before?

The biblical prophecies do state, that what is happening on the planet now, as never happened before, and it will never happen again, because this is something that is totally unique. To some it is the 'LAST JUDGEMENT', to the Jewish people it is the ACHARIT, the last. It is pictured as a white horse with wings, wielding a sword. Does it surprise you then, that she was born in the Chinese Year of the Horse?

Everything was perfectly arranged by the heavenly Father.

You decide.


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