Saturday 26 February 2011

Zohar Prophecy - The Children

"When the days of the Messiah will get close, even little children shall find the secrets of wisdom, and will understand the calculations, and at that time it will be revealed to all" (Zohar VaYera) [1]

Criteria of the prophecy: 

1. Little children 
2. Secrets
3. Wisdom 
4. Understanding 
5. Calculations 
6. Revealed 

Why little children? 

Prophet Malachi predicted  that the prophet that God sends comes for the children. And Christ told his followers that they had to become like little children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. So when people began to write books about the 'inner child' and healing it. This was also a sign to humanity that the time was near. 

Why is inner child healing so important? When people access their own 'inner child' and heal it, they then discover how their own childhoods have impacted on their children. The words in the book of Exodus are true. The deeds of the Fathers (parents) impact on the next 3-4 generations. Parents are only the guardians of the soul, a child is a precious gem that is not meant to be reshaped. Only by accessing and healing the 'inner child' do people ascend the tree of life. 

No coincidence either that in 2002, we were a consultant to a government agency involving children. The children were amazing. There was one eight year old that was going astray, nobody in the medical profession could help him. All had tried and failed and now he was on his way to a detention centre. 

I got some information about the child prior to our meeting and from his birthdate, I was able to know that he was a Gemini and gemini's have incredibly energy, mental capability and they are blessed  with a photographic memory.  Prior to our meeting, I had made up some flower essences for the child to help to bring balance to his energy. 

The first day that we met, he looked at me, as if I was going to be like all the doctors and psychologists, detached from him, perceiving him and judging him. After he sat down in front of me, he turned away from me and was sitting sideways, so that he could still look over his shoulder, if he wished to talk to me. I began to talk to him about the things that he liked to do. His mother had told me that he liked doing car mechanics with his step-dad. 

While I was taking an interest in him, telling him how talented and clever he was, he started to turn around. Then I could look deeply into his eyes with smiling love. We started to share about negative -v- positive energy and what that can co-create in a manner in which he could understand. I asked him if he knew anything about ENERGY, he replied 'Yes, I do, when you're tired, you ain't got any'. 

We put our hands close together so that he could feel the energy, and he could. He could feel my auric energy and I could feel his. Ok, so now he and I understood each other, he was then able to understand the concept of the measure of energy and how it relates to the law of cause and effect. He was now very relaxed and smiling. I wasn't treating him like an inferior being, I told him that he was special and he responded accordingly. 

It also came to light that this child was the spitting image of his Father. The child was the teacher of the mother and was triggering her issues for healing. 

I also asked the child 'Why did you drink all of your flowers essences down in one go? He replied "I want to be a good boy and I don't want to take Ritalin'. 

God bless his soul, even this child knew in his heart that the drugs were doing him more harm than good. Children are filled with their own wisdom when they're allowed to express it unconditionally. 

There was a beautiful 18 month old baby that wouldn't go to sleep without hearing a healing meditation CD. She taught herself how to use the CD player so that she could listen to my voice whenever she wished too. And there was a third toddler that had been described as 'indigo; due to the traits that he was demonstrating. 

He was unable to communicate what the problem was that he was experiencing. However, by helping the mother, recommending some specific books to read, providing the 'New Empowerment Model' for self-development, in addition to a Reiki healing training course. Complimentary therapy modalities  and a complete change of diet for the child. His daily, non-stop screaming stopped and happiness in the home resumed. 

It isn't enough to just heal the child, the parents must heal their inner child too,  because their lives are a co-creation. 

Those with wisdom understand the children, they can reach their hearts and get to the root cause of the core issues,  it requires no academic training to do so. It takes supreme love, listening skills, a heart of wisdom and compassionate action. 
As we said to a professor of clinical psychology some years ago, put the text books down and simply listen to what the person is saying. 

What else was revealed to humanity about children in the 21st century? 

There was a whole new wave of children called 'Indigo's,  'Crystal' and 'Rainbow' children, books about them and their natural, enhanced spiritual abilities. Also many children loved the crystals when they visited the Mind, Body and Spirit exhibitions, and some also began Reiki healing with their parents. 

As we have said before, the 21st century was born in wisdom and wisdom will be proven right 
by her actions. 

Of course, Prophet Joel predicted this would happen. 

We did not support the 'Indigo' hype by spiritual people due to the fact,
that all children have these abilities when they haven't been closed down
by parents, education or drugs. Of course, these children have a greater 
awareness, they were not born in the 20th century of judgement and fear, 
their parents were not born in a war-torn era like our parents were.

These children were born in the 21st century of the Aquarian Age,
the Aquarian Age that is the Age of the humanitarian, Supreme
Love and Wisdom.

God bless the children



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