Thursday 24 February 2011


Today, was the day to receive a shamanic healer and do some cellular healing work to remove more memory from the cells. It was a STARGATE that I went through.

A lot was removed,  including memories to do with the past life of WHITE DOVE that was first experienced in 1996/7. White Dove and her two children died in the cold/snow while her husband, the Chief's Son went off hunting. SNOW/COLD represents DANGER, and the warning from the soul that is sentient when the people are heading for danger. Hence, why people are being pushed towards the SUN that can give humanity what it requires to live ecologically and self-sustainably.

The past life of the Egyptian High priestess that was trying too bring a man back to life after he was dead. I was married to this man this lifetime. However, the marriage was short-lived due to his affairs. I have to live in integrity, it was the way that I was made.

Bringing a person back from physical death is a transgression of the cosmic law and interferes with natural selection. If it cannot be healed, then it should not be tampered with, due to humanity having to face the fact, that they must heal themselves. The organs and the blood carry memories and when you transport organs, you are also transporting the memories as well. For those that are interested in this. I recommend the scientific work and books written by Dr Paul Pearsall.

The baby in the womb of the earthly mother that did not wish to be born, because the baby knew what was ahead of it this lifetime. In the inner child healing work done after my son was born this was experienced.

Due to not healing the self prior to my own son being born, then co-created a child born with a genetic energetic memory of not wishing to leave the womb. Hence, why he just laid on the nerve at the point of engagement, causing this mother to suffer incredible pain. The contractions that ceased at the crucial point of delivery. Hence, being cut open, resulting in 36 stitches. A traumatic birth for any baby that he is required to heal, prior to having children of his own, otherwise he will pass it on to the next generation.

The past life of the Queen of Atlantis that was let down by the people that she loved and defended, due to materialism destroying spirituality, shown in the 2010 crop circles. Many of the people turned against their Queen, due to a lack of trust, their own desires and perceptions of her.

Humanity have suffered ever since, and that has been a heavy burden for her to carry, due to knowing what she knows. The Queen of Atlantis returned to help her people. However, the one that was meant to help her with the restoration this lifetime, wasn't ready, due to holding on to that which destroyed Atlantis. Many other spiritual people were not ready either, due to them transgressing the spiritual law, just like they did in Atlantean times. So she had to go it alone, she couldn't wait for them to catch up with RIGHTEOUS LOVE, she had to continue in the best way that she knows how.

Memories that related to the CRUCIFIXION initiation, that took place in 2004. After the crucifixion came the ascension and the birth of the Son of Man.

A lot more was experienced to do with the cellular healing work, bodywork and the nervous system of the body, a lot of information was shared. Not all is appropriate for this post, there is a lot more work to do before I can explain it to you fully, in a manner which you can understand, and at a level that can help humanity to progress with the health of the nations.

A Native American symbol was also given and it was the shape of the sun with two lines either side of it. When we looked it up at home, the closest symbol to it, amongst those that I have is a Native American symbol for Happiness.

In addition, I was shown a swinging TRAPEZE artist. Trapeze artists are part of the CIRCUS and that is where humanity is right now, living in a circus. Where the animals are caged inhumanly, where they are forced to be trained to do the bidding of men and women. The Roman Circus was apparently the first circus, where the people observed, and the people killed each other for man's pleasure.

The Circus is also where the clowns dress up and paint their faces with different masks. Traveling from country to country, performing for the crowds. Now who does that remind you of? The New World Monkeys/G20, many of you give them too much credit, just like the money men give too much credit to the people, to ensure that they stay in the entrapment of debt to them.

The Trapeze artist is involved with 'Dynamic movements' and 'Precise Timing'. However, also be aware that there is a RING MASTER and a trapeze artist is a risk taker, just like the bankers in the money markets, the military and those involved in adventure sports. They take risks with their own lives; because they are what is known as cold blooded,  due to them not being aware of clairsentience. Those that are not in tune with clairsentience have been closed down at some point in their lives. For many it happens in childhood, in education and of course for the military it can happen during their military training.

Remember this, one that as become a LOTUS flower, turns up the heat as is demonstrated in the scientific research about Lotus Flowers. A person who is clairsentient does not put their own life in danger or the lives of others, because their own souls lead them away from danger.

As we have warned people in the past, this is not the time to take risks with your money or your lives. The other day on an orthodox Christian blog, the owner of the blog (USA) was stating that many saints will die. I told her that my saints will not die, they will pass the martyrdom initiation with flying colours.

Interesting that Britney Spears launched a song called the CIRCUS and check out the lyrics. Its a great video. However, her record company does not allow us to share the video of it.

Do you feel like you are living in a circus? Funny that, I used to wear a top hat and tails in the 80's and early 90's. In the 80's I was still working in the corporate world. In the 90's I was walking in two worlds at the same time. The corporate world and the spiritual world.

Remember the ELEPHANTS showed the CIRCUS exactly what they think of it. In 1992, in Florida the ELEPHANT stampeded. In Honolulu 1994, the ELEPHANT killed its trainer and mauled its groomer. Animals are not meant to be kept in Zoos, they are not meant to be in a circus. They all have a reason and purpose of being part of the ECO SYSTEM of the planet. They're not here for man's pleasure, they have more important things to do, to ensure Mother Earth lives the way that she is meant to live, naturally. Even pets are involved in the healing process of humanity, many of them consuming and transmuting the vibrations  of human beings.

I was also shown an obelisk that was being smashed, and then the clock of Big Ben at the side of it. Big Ben wasn't being smashed only the obelisk. There is an obelisk on the Thames in London called CLEOPATRA'S NEEDLE' and this is the one that I saw being smashed. It was presented to the UK in 1819, by the ruler of Egypt and Sudan, his name was Muhammad Ali. This was the first sign of Islam's intention to take over the UK. A sign that would put the captivity of Egypt on the map of England.

When Cassis Clay changed his name to Muhammad Ali, that was also a sign for the USA of Islam's intentions. There was also Malcolm X at the forefront of the Nation of Islam, then USA elected OBAMA as the president of the USA.

It does make you wonder where are the spiritual people at there? What on earth have they been doing; to not see and understand the signs that have been planted all over the world. As I said to the Americans the other day 'What have you been feeding to your children?".

In modern times the obelisk was also erected in New York and Paris.

However, apparently, the tallest obelisk is in Rome, and Rome as more of them then anyone else. Did they think that the Queen of the South would go to Rome to see them? Did they think their obelisks would impress her? The heavenly Father never sent his Queen to Rome. Although he did send her to New York and Paris. However, he didn't send her to look at obelisks...

In the past Abba told me to tell Rome, that when they call,  the only one that can summon God's Queen, is God himself. Why is that? She is the PARACLETE.....

May peace be with you all.


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