Monday 7 February 2011

Biblical Sign of FLOODS

Following on from the previous posts about the floods and their connection to the biblical signs of the prophet of God. Let us go over again some of the prophecies related to them.

Hosea 5:10 'I will pour out my wrath on them like a flood of water'.

Nahum 1:8 'With an overwhelming flood he will make an end of Nineveh; he will pursue his foes into the realm of darkness'.

In Malachi 3 God throws open the floodgates of heaven after a tithe has been put into his storehouse. The more tithes we receive the more blessings he bestows upon the people. After this blog began,  Abba made me dependent upon the charity of the people for his divine purpose of fulfilling another prophecy.

It as been very tough indeed, for a person that was so financially independent in the past, and with a son that was unemployed. The pressure on this single mother as been intense on many levels of being.

The extensive financial pressure on us both created a wedge between my son and I.  He left our home again on the 1st of January 2011, another Luxor gateway opening. I have not heard from him since, not even on his birthday when he was 28 on the 28th. Abba as removed him from this sanctuary, he must stand on his own two feet and be a man.  I also feel that Abba is preparing to move me on to the next phase of the divine plan.

I have had no choice but to allow divine will to come to be, and continue to trust that I will be provided for somehow.

Matthew chapter 24:39 mentions the flood that took them away as a sign about the sign of the Son of Man.  In my humble view that was the Asian disaster on Boxing Day 2004 because Abba had called us just weeks prior to that and he said 'HUMANTIY NEEDS YOU NOW', we sent out a despatch internationally about it at the time. Hence, why we featured the information in the 'Son of Man' video below.

No coincidence that QUEENS LAND was flooded either. See the Christ Vision of Peace blog about the promise to Abraham and how scripture relates to his Virgin Queen. Abba kept his promise to both Abraham and Moses. The descendent of Joseph that Moses requested is the same Queen promised to Abraham and spoken about by Christ. He called me the Queen of the South because the South is the direction of the prophets. In other words, Christ agreed that the Queen of the Prophets would come in the last days of the end times to fulfill the biblical prophecies. Hence, why the scripture states that 'Wisdom will be proven right by HER actions'.

In another text he actually stated how old I would be when the LORD God of Israel would summon me and when it would be finished.  This also aligns with the age specified by Nostradamus, the Iris prophecy also relates to the Isaiah prophecy in respect of being found in the Galilee of the Gentiles, the other side of Jordan. In other words after my son Jordan was born, I would be found on the circuit (MBS) amongst spiritual people, healers and the followers of Christ.

The prophecies of Nostradmus fit like a glove upon the biblical prophecies about the prophet that God would send. Nostradamus also mentioned the floods in relation with the one that would come, it is mentioned in the Age of Iris prophecy.

"For 40 years the Iris will not appear, for 40 years it will be seen everyday, the arid earth will grow drier, and great floods when it will appear". 


ETERNITY by Kimmo and Rob

I shall be with you eternally.

I know that you will be Abba...

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