Saturday 12 February 2011


Last night while bathing I was shown a 1 pint glass milk bottle with a silver top. It was coming from the right and was in the direction of my left in front of the tiled wall. That wall backs on to the room where this computer is, that computer is also white and it was gifted to me recently by a friend.

The colour of the top of the milk bottle denotes the contents of the bottle. Different countries have different coloured milk tops. The silver foil top denotes whole milk (about 4% fat - minimum 3.5%). In England there used to be a children's TV programme called 'BLUE PETER' and they used to run charity campaigns with milk tops. Children would collect the milk tops to raise money for charity.

When I was a child children were given milk in school to ensure that they received their daily amount of calcium. However, Maggie Thatcher was called the 'Milk Snatcher' because she was the one that was behind the removal of children receiving the milk during their break time in primary schools. As the bible states the deeds of the Fathers impact on the next 3-4 generations.

As we know, calcium is very important for teeth and bones. Is the removal of milk from schools one of the reasons that the medical profession are now witnessing an increasing rate of rickets in children?  Are children getting enough animal fats that are essential for good health? Animal fats that can come from milk and cheese.

Many children do tend to eat a lot of cereal as a snack and Abba said 'Dry foods no good for you, eat live food'. In other words, eat fresh, because it has a higher natural energy frequency.

As far as the milk is concerned it is better to drink fresh milk on its own. Also milk from your own land, and not the land of others because each land also has its own frequencies appropriate for the frequencies of the people that were born there.

In addition, to REAL MILK, we also have the information of the MILK of the CHRIST TEACHINGS that are mentioned in the bible. How can schools deliver the milk of the Christ teachings to children in religious education classes, when the milk as never been truly understood by the theologians and biblical scholars? How do biblical scholars understand the measure of the spiritual law that as never been imparted to children? How can teachers share with children the nature of the milk, if they have not been taught by those that understand it?

Christ was a healer and a prophet and those that are healers and prophets understand the teachings of healers and prophets. Academia do not understand these teachings and nor do the biblical scholars. However, the cutting edge scientists are catching up slowly, due to their own awakening. This is impacting on their research discoveries and their conclusions back up the milk of the Christ teachings; in a scientific way.


What did Christ say about gay people in the scripture? He said you must accept them if you can. However, he did not say teach children about homeosexuality. He said 'Some are born like it and some are made like it by men'. So now ponder upon who makes children into homesexuals and why is it increasing. Is it because there are more homesexuals in academia, education and schools? Or is it because of what happens to a baby in the womb because we know how powerful intention can be.

There are many reasons why those that were not born homesexuals become one. However, that is not the purpose of this post.

Professor William Tiller, one of the scientists that worked with hearthmath in the early days, discovered that the intention of the researcher impacts on the outcome of clinical trials.

That as far reaching international implications.

In the movie trailers of 'MILK' he states that all men are born equal. However, that is determined on what frame of reference you are providing and how you define equal. Is a man that does not procreate with a woman to create a child equal to a man that does? Of course not.

So how people define and understand words is extremely important because words have frequencies just like the rest of the cosmos.

What did Christ say about equality, for as we know most of his teachings were based on being compelled by love.

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ Matt 25:21 

"It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. Truly I tell you, he will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them." Luke 12:37 

"They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity—for “people are slaves to whatever has mastered them.” 2 Peter 2:19 

I am not making any judgement here, just opening up the debate. If a person allows their sexuality to be the master of them, they have not become a master of the self. If a person as not become a master of the self, how can they be equal with those that have? 

“The student is not above the teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for students to be like their teachers, and servants like their masters. Matt 24-25 

Now who are the students of the teacher? Students that study the spiritual path way home to God, that is where the teacher who is an ascended Master is leading them. Home to the heavenly Father and his ways. 

I embrace the human right of free will to choose to align their will with the will of God. I also honor the human rights of all people in equality of integrity. However, I also live in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law and any commands or instructions that I receive from God.


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